Ask Margar-etiquette about Bare Feet on the Plane


Dear Margar-etiquette,

I am glad you started talking about plane etiquette. Before we travel this spring break I have a burning question: Is it ok to remove your shoes on a long flight? 

Flying Out Soon

Dear Flying Soon,

Absolutely! Not only is it okay to remove your shoes on long flights, but it is encouraged. In some cases, you are provided booties, slippers, or even compression socks for comfort and blood flow. If it feels safe and comfortable for you to remove your shoes and even walk about the cabin, on long flights your body may thank you.

Do you know who may not thank you? Other passengers. This is where flying etiquette comes in. If your feet are smelly, if you have gone barefoot to the lavatory, or if you prop your feet in someone else’s space, other passengers may be affected. And that is what etiquette is all about: making the environment as comfortable as possible for everyone, not just you.

Your seatmates do not want a foul odor disturbing their flight; that includes your feet. The plane’s lavatory floor has to be the least sanitary place on the plane. If anything that touches that floor touches anything else, including your own shoes, the germs, bacteria, and fluids are coming too. And finally, personal space on a plane is very limited. As tempting as it may be to slide your feet into the little pocket of the armrest in front of you, that is invading someone else’s space. They may want to lay their arm or head there. And unless you have agreed on this ahead of time, it is fair to assume that they do not want your feet in their personal space.

So, please be as comfortable as you like on the plane. Just keep in mind that your actions become a problem when you do not consider the other passengers’ space, comfort, and safety.

Safe and happy travels!

#LITA (Love Is The Answer)