Calling All Runners to the Vets & Pets 5k


CALLING ALL RUNNERS to register for the “Save our Vets and Pets 5k” and 1k fun run and dog walk on Saturday March 1st!

This years race package will include race entry (the Linc trail in Newnan is an official 5k route) a ‘Save Our Vets & Pets’ T-shirt, race bib, finishing metal, water, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the 5k race win prizes! Free finishing photo of every runner as well.

June’s Second Chance Ranch President Lindsey Wall said, “We will also have some great prizes to enter to win!”

Register by February 15 to pick your t-shirt size. Sizes at the day of the race will be limited.

Sign up now on the race website here:

Race info:

Date: Saturday, March 1st

Time: 5k Race starts 9:30 sharp! (1k fun run and dog walkers will start after 5k runners)

Where: LINC Trail, Newnan Centre Entrance

1515 Lower Fayetteville Road, Newnan GA 30265
(Enter Newnan Centre main entrance and follows signs for 5k)
Cost- Full Race Entry with T-shirt- $30

Race entry (no t-shirt)- $25

Child fun run entry (with t shirt)- $25

Child entry (no t-shirt)- $20

All proceeds of the event will benefit June’s Second Chance Ranch, a non-profit 501(c)3 animal rescue and Equine (horse) Therapy facility targeting adults and Service Men and Women suffering from PTSD and other trauma-related conditions.

As a former police officer, Lindsey Wall, president and E.D. of JSCR, is very familiar with the challenges first responders face every day and the courage it takes to ask for help. “I know what they go through and how hard it is to admit that something got to you and you are struggling. As first responders, we have to maintain a constant public image of strength and courage, but first responders and veterans are human just like everyone else, and it’s impossible that some of the stuff they experience does not affect them. At JSCR, we offer understanding and a place of belonging, and just being outside and near our horses is therapeutic and proven to help with the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Just by participating in our event, you can help us save our local animals in need and continue offering equine-guided assistance to our veterans and first responders who do so much for us,” said Lindsey Wall, President at June’s Second Chance Ranch.

Lindsey thanks the many sponsors and encourages other businesses to join them. Sponsors include:
Crossroads Church
Kings Kustom Motor Cycles
RPM Full Service Bar and Restaurant
Coweta Masons for Veterans
Deal Maker of Atlanta
Tails of Hope Service Dogs
Face Down Float
HND Horse Transport
C&D Enterprises
Kim’s Adopt Boogie Support Team
The Citizen