BoE Post 1 candidate Hollowell: ‘More realistic and in-depth understanding’


This is my first run for a political seat and I find my campaign for Post 1 School Board Representative invigorating.

I am enjoying speaking with concerned parents and educators throughout the Fayette County neighborhoods. It is impressive to see how many residents are actively aware and concerned about challenges facing our public school system. As my opponent’s children are home-schooled and not part of the FCBOE system, I believe I have a more realistic and in-depth understanding of how to effectively serve on the Fayette County School Board.

Interestingly, two main topics seem to cause the most concern: financial challenges to the school system and maintaining a strong education program for our students.

Regarding the first issue, it is important to note revenue for the school system comes from state and local property taxes. Both are declining.

Recently the current School Board voted to spend all of the fund balance in order to balance the current FCBoE budget. The fund balance is basically the school system’s cash cushion. The FCBoE is required to balance its budget; it cannot run at a deficit.

This has caused a great deal of concern in the community. In an effort to balance the budget, the School Board has also needed to cut FCBoE benefits and add more furlough days. Did they make the right decisions? Current economic projections are a moving target and we need to trust the elected School Board representatives made the best decision they felt they could make with the information they had at the time.

As an experienced financial advisor who owns his own company in Peachtree City, I work on similar issues with business owners and clients every day. I know from experience that a faltering economy demands tough-minded leadership. Elected to the School Board, I will work hard to ensure that the School Board is aggressively analyzing the right information needed to put the school system’s fiscal house in order.

In regard to maintaining strong education programs for our students, I believe this is a key responsibility for School Board members. It is imperative we provide our students with educational programs that will make them competitive for either college educations or technical vocations. Elected to the School Board, I will work hard to ensure practical measures to protect the excellence in education our community has built. I support all efforts that make sure our students are being challenged in the classroom and are learning the skills they need to compete in a global economy.

I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work offering pragmatic solutions to our collective problems. I am asking for your vote. Early voting begins July 9th with the election being held on July 31st.

For more information on the Scott Hollowell for School Board campaign please review the website.

Scott Hollowell

Candidate for Fayette County Board of Education, Post 1

Peachtree City, Ga.