Local officials ignore issue as Georgia Power seeks to desecrate Fayette history and beauty


Georgia Power — bury your high voltage lines!

Georgia Power covets and is trying to induce over 200 Fayette County landowners to sign easement rights so Ga. Power can construct their 180-foot “Godzilla towers” and droop high voltage industrial power lines across our beautiful landscape.

The all-powerful Ga. Power is willing to spend millions of dollars in this land grab to build their dream and destroy our beautiful neighborhoods across Fayette County.

Fayette’s historic Hopeful Baptist Church and Cemetery established in 1825 believes the desecration of an almost 200-year-old church and sacred cemetery by above ground industrial power lines is wrong for so many reasons. Citizens and patriots from the American Revolution to the present are buried here.

Hopeful has repeatedly asked GP to please bury the high voltage power-lines as a compromise down New Hope Road out of view of the church and cemetery so as not to destroy our tranquility.

Because local officials have not helped and choose only to take money, the church went on a fact-finding trip to Washington, D.C. and on Capitol Hill. Hopeful has been told there are federal and state funds for placing these lines under ground. Over a dozen American communities across the country have gone this route and more are following these leaders.

Some examples of the billions of dollars made available so far for placing utility lines under ground:

• Section 40101 of Public Law No: 117-58 established billions to include burying lines underground.

• Section 40105 of Public Law No: 117-58 makes the under-grounding of utility wires and eligible expense through $31.6 billion per year for projects already underway.

• Federal Transportation Enhancements Program, under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), has also helped pay.

Construction of one of the world’s largest data center projects costing over a billion dollars can figure out how to make this happen.

Fayette’s historic Hopeful Baptist Church and Cemetery has turned down Ga. Power’s offer of $144,000 and any future amount, because we do not want to see Fayette County’s history, beautiful views and landscape destroyed forevermore by overhead industrial power lines.

Citizens of Fayette County, please help save Fayette’s beauty and history. Join us Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the church.

Georgia Power, Georgia Public Service Commission, BlackRock, QTS, Fayetteville and Fayette County officials, please see that the lines must be buried and save historic Hopeful Church and Fayette’s stunningly beautiful places.

Last of all, we the people, are praying the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is watching.

In God We Trust,

Hopeful Baptist Church

1247 Ga Hwy. 92 North

Fayetteville, GA 30214


  1. I’m sure you gun lovers will offer a fleeting moment of “thoughts and prayers” to the Winder victim’s families and then return to polishing your assault rifles. I was surprised that “a well regulated militia” included a 14-year-old, but I guess that you’re never too young to assert your “rights.”

    Truth is stranger than fiction.

      • I guess you consider the coal ash ponds at plant Yates that GA Power refuses to mitigate by placing liners to save ground water and the Chattahoochee as features?

        Or the dozens of people around Juliette that got or died from cancer from similiar ponds at Plant Scherer as the cost of progress?

        • Yes, that’s the cost of progress as it has been for all of human history. Coal wasn’t a problem and everyone love it until it was. It’s like how electric powered by lithium ion is in favor now, despite the looming ecological disaster of spent batteries and the literal slavery used to mine it.

          • Maybe one day your family experiences the joy of making the ultimate sacrifice to progress because GA Power is too cheap to deploy known solutions to reduce impacts to water, land acd people