Traffic light going in at Tyrone Road and Flat Creek Trail Intersection


Fayette County, Georgia — The intersection of Tyrone Road and Flat Creek Trail will be converted to a traffic signal-controlled intersection on Friday, December 8, 2023. The goal is to alleviate congestion and delay times during morning and afternoon peak hours.

The change from the existing all-way stop to a traffic signal is based on a Traffic Engineering analysis conducted by Pond & Company.  As a result of the study, a signalized intersection will provide acceptable level-of-service for the foreseeable future without the addition of turning lanes, although they may be required as part of a larger project as growth in the area continues.

Lumin8 Transportation Technologies, LLC, installed the signal. Over the next few days it will operate in red blink mode to test the equipment.  Variable message boards and minor changes to road striping will be placed on all approaches to notify drivers of the pending change.

Contact Fayette County at 770-320-6010 or for additional information.

This project (17TAL) is funded with Fayette County’s 2017 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) program.  Additional information on this and other SPLOST projects is available at:



  1. I agree Dave…..hopefully it doesn’t play out that way, but you’re right, one “less than aggressive” driver could sit there forever waiting for the perfect opportunity to turn left.

    What we need is a North Peachtree City bypass…….widening/building a road to move vehicles around Peachtree City, to help alleviate some of the 54/74 congestion. Imagine a bypass that started on the east side at 54 & Tyrone Road, and followed Tyrone Road up to Dogwood Trail, then continued on Dogwood Trail across 74 and across Senoia Road, cutting through the woods and skimming the north edge of Lake Tyrone, past the quarry, and extending Minix into Fischer and dropping back onto GA-34 at Fischer, right by Costco / Sams. This would alleviate more traffic than that stupid displaced left turn intersection ever will, and it’s the only feasible long term solution that doesn’t bring more traffic through 54/74.

    • Well, they’re actually putting in a stop sign that will go live on December 6 on Senoia Road not far from where you propose that, so they seem to be in the business of slowing things down rather than speeding things up. Add to this the horde of stop signs and speed humps along MacDuff and you have travel along the west side that isn’t really conducive to efficient driving.

      • I mean, it’s one stop sign on Senoia Road at a location that is notoriously difficult to turn out of. Especially with some of the heavy truck traffic back on the Rockwood Road side.

        With that said, stop signs are not *supposed* to be used for speed control, and I concur that the ones on Macduff are excessive, especially with the speed tables (which are for speed control). Quite frankly, a lot of those stop signs, and a lot of stop signs in general, should be yield signs…the problem is no one follows a yield sign. Exhibit A: the right turn on red on 74.

        • It may be “notoriously difficult” to turn from Crabapple Lane/Rockwood Road onto Senoia Road due to the somewhat acute angles at the intersection, but the solution shouldn’t be to bring 45 mph traffic to perpetual halts. I have to think that vastly more North-South traffic passes through the corridor than any East-West traffic. Now, the inconvenience has been pushed on to a lot of people when either fixing the angle of the intersection (or bringing in stop lights) may have been better.

    • If the city were to complement this with a South Bypass to Coweta County via TDK Blvd connecting to McIntosh Rd it would divert Coweta-bound traffic going north to the 54/74 intersection and be an alternate to get to Senoia via McIntosh. I fail to understand why our city authorities like to live in denial instead of looking at traffic alternatives. The proposed turn to nowhere for the 54/74 intersection is expensive and will not solve anything.

      • Nobody is in denial. Extending TDK will ruin a good part of PTC. It will just make traffic worse on the southwest to east part of the city, will probably eliminate any chance for golf carts on Dividend, ruin access to Lake McIntosh, as well as add to more traffic on Hwy 74.

        I see the 54/74 intersection as more of a Coweta County problem than I do for PTC. Coweta County has resources to fix much of the problem, but will obviously like us to suck their egg.

      • I agree, Dragnet. Keeping traffic out of the Highway 74/54 intersection is the most efficient way to decrease the traffic frustration in PTC. This is best accomplished by creating routes both north and south (especially TDK).

        Mr. Tucker, whether this is a problem for Coweta County or not, it is impinging upon our fair city. Waiting for someone else to fix it has not worked in the past, and it has little chance of working in the future. I do agree with you that it will be disruptive; yet, the current traffic situation is even more disruptive.

        • The best south solution to mid-city traffic was Rockaway Rd intersecting with Redwine. I’m betting commercial interests interfered with making that happen. I’ve been asking for years why Rockaway Rd was altered to intersect with Holly Grove Rd. It seems nobody will own up to it.

          Just ride it out and Coweta County may try to do the right thing. It’s their egg to suck.

          • Hey Doug

            Gotta agree and disagree with you.

            Coweta and Fayetteville are growing off the rails with PTC serving as a crossroads.
            First everything making 54/74 worse is a choice by PTC. From Cyndi Plunkett’s green T to now the Planeterra private gate. Everything is one off without considering the next step.

            Mac Duff is starting to stack up at night even with the speed humps and stop signs with people trying to go round.

            I do think making TDK makes sense, but will throw gas on Coweta growth. But we need a full on plan not more one off decisions.