Laura Plauché Johnson: Why I’m running for City Council


When I was 11, my parents took us on a house-hunting trip to Georgia. 

We had never experienced anything like Peachtree City — the village concept, the cart paths, the glittering lakes and green belts that made us wonder where all the homes were.

My parents quickly knew that this was where they wanted to raise their family. They put down roots in Glenloch Village. I was able to go to great schools, then off to college to study economics.

Laura Plauché Johnson, candidate for Post 1, Peachtree City Council. Photo/Submitted.
Laura Plauché Johnson, candidate for Post 1, Peachtree City Council. Photo/Submitted.

A few years later, I returned to Glenloch — the same village where I live today with my husband and our five children. For 26 years, Peachtree City has been home.

We are a family that loves our town. We go out on the lake and get around on golf carts. Our kids are active in youth sports and community theater. I’ve spent mornings in the golf cart carpool line and nights at The Fred Amphitheater; chaperoned teens at Night Market and pushed a stroller through the farmer’s market; cheered on triathletes and rowers at Lake Peachtree and fighter pilots in the air show.

I was even here for the blizzard of ’93 when we had snow up to our knees. And with my full house of Peachtree City-loving kids, I bring something to the table that no one else on the City Council has right now. 

My campaign has four cornerstones: 1. Preserve the Founder’s Vision. 2. Represent Families — Young and Old. 3. Jobs and Fiscal Responsibility and 4. Integrity and Transparency.

Cornerstone #1 — Preserve the Founder’s Vision

Peachtree City is a master-planned community. Our founder knew the importance of green space, and strategically placed village centers to void the need for a downtown. Green belts, lakes and ponds, and the 100+ miles of golf cart paths linking it all together are our city’s hallmark. It is no accident that we have zero graffiti, nor billboards, litter, and overhead power lines or excessively tall buildings and apartments. 

In some critical ways, the city has strayed from the founder’s vision. Traffic, the rising cost of living, and poor development threaten our quality of life. We build all the way out and annex more land rather than fix up existing buildings.

Rising property taxes put an undue burden on seniors, traffic issues abound at the Highway 54/74 intersection, and high-density residential developments lack the green belts that were so important in Joel Cowan’s original plan. 

I will preserve the integrity of our villages. With gas at $3.60/gallon, village centers are not just common sense; they are a convenient place to shop, gather and work, as well as destinations for families to go out for dinner or a treat. They offer independence to the aging community. 

People know each other from the golf cart paths, and they reinforce our community culture: We are friendly and look out for each other. I have a father in his 70s who walks on the paths daily, as well as teens who drive golf carts. The paths should always be safe, beautiful and well-maintained. 

Cornerstone #2 — Represent Families — Young and Old

Ours is a community of mostly families with children and retirees. So why are there more efficient and better-run facilities outside of PTC? 

Recently I talked with a young mother who told me she drove to another town every single week this summer to use the splash pad which, in her words, was “bigger and much nicer than ours…and they won’t charge me an entrance fee.”

As a mom who frequently park-hops with my youngest child, I get it! Since I’ve lived in Peachtree City, I’ve seen two city pools get filled in. A splash pad funded by your tax dollars should not have a fence, a lock, and a cash register. 

If young parents are traveling outside city limits for splash pads, parks, library storytimes and shopping; 

If seniors don’t have quality enrichment services in their own backyard;

Then WHERE are our tax dollars going? 

Too often I have heard the misguided argument that Peachtree City should not have great family amenities because people from other cities will drive here and use them. No wonder our city robs the pockets of its own residents by charging user fees. I will fight to eliminate these fees and ensure our amenities are well cared for.

Cornerstone #3 — Jobs and Fiscal Responsibility

Peachtree City is the best place to live and play, but we need to develop a better climate for economic opportunity. 

Without jobs, you won’t see good families coming here, fixing up an old house, and becoming part of our tax base. Nor will you see companies expanding or bringing high-paying jobs to tap into an existing talent pool. 

Our per capita income used to be the highest in the region. There is an important correlation there with great school systems and low crime. The city can help draw in high-paying jobs and motivate existing companies to expand. This will offset our personal taxes.

It takes real leadership and a willingness to sit down with stakeholders. It also demands a fully open and transparent process. As a businesswoman, I am ready to tackle that challenge. 

As a conservative, I believe in fiscal restraint. It’s not the government’s money – it’s yours. I will be a wise steward over each precious tax dollar. 

I ran my own clothing business for six years and know how to manage a budget and make long-term decisions. To keep crime rates low and to attract and retain the best law enforcement officers, public safety will always be a top budget priority.

I will look at data and ask the right questions to provide the most value to our taxpayers –

To keep our community safe. 

To provide beautiful, clean amenities that benefit the maximum number of people.

To protect our city from traffic and poor development.

To improve our quality of life.

Cornerstone #4 — Integrity and Transparency

Integrity and transparency are values I live by. Like you, I have been scarred by people using their elected office to further their own pet projects. Please hear me when I say: I have NO pet projects or ulterior motives. I will stay true to my principles and to the founder’s vision for PTC. I am approaching this job with a listening ear and an open mind. I will keep you informed and involved. I will always listen. 

My Family

I have been asked if I have the time to devote to City Council with kids still at home. When I know I can make a difference, I have a hard time sitting on the sidelines. It’s why I became a substitute teacher. I want the best for my family and yours.

My youngest child is now six, and our older teenagers are more independent and can drive themselves. I would not be doing this without 1oo percent support from my family. After running my own business, serving on Peachtree City’s part-time council will give me more time with them, not less. 

This election is critical. Half of the council posts are on the line and who we elect to a four-year term will drastically impact the direction of our city. I will stay true to the founder’s vision and the core ideals that make our small town great. 

I ask for your support and your vote as I champion sound fiscal policy, public safety, and economic opportunity; and work tirelessly to preserve our village concept and green spaces.

Please visit to learn more about my candidacy and find me on social media @VoteLPJ.