Peachtree City eyes $400 fee, new regulations for short-term rentals


Lights, camera, rules and fees; city to regulate movie-making locally — 

So you want to turn that spare bedroom into an Airbnb and make some rental money off that unused space?

Peachtree City government is watching, and a raft of new regulations and fees are likely coming for local residents who up until now have not had to worry about short-term rental rules.

Porposed new regulations — including a $400 yearly city fee — will be discussed at the City Council workshop Tuesday night at City Hall. The ordinance, if approved, would cover any home or bedroom rented “to a transient person for less than 30 days at a time.”

If you want to stay legal, you’ll have to apply for a permit that will require a background check, fire and code enforcement inspections and a 24-hour local contact and will regulate parking, noise and special events, and garbage. Rule violations will include a 3-strike policy within a 12-month period, fines of up to $1,000 and loss of permit for up to 24 months.

Details to be discussed by the council are in the scrollable pdf document below.

Also on the discussion agenda, permits, rules and fees for any movie-making in the city limits.


  1. Some of you folks will no doubt enlighten me but:
    People are going to do rentals short term and otherwise…having the city provide oversight for all the obvious needs (insurance, code, safety, etc.,) seems worth a few bucks collected to cover the eventual cost associated for public services and more people on the streets.
    I personally dislike rentals in residential subdivisions…eventually they have problems (worst looking house on the street, cops settling domestic disputes, people getting loud, etc.) there is one near me.

  2. As a person who has never used a service like Airbnb before, I think we should probably oppose, oppose, and oppose this. Nothing is worse than the governemnt finding yet another thing into which it can dip its fingers. Is it really the city’s job to “preserve the residential character of neighborhoods”? There are plenty of HOAs that can do that already if so desired. And why can’t existing safety laws be sufficient for the safety of residents and visitors?

    Unless there is a critical need for it, finding ways of charging $400 fees so that the City can then pay for, oh, things like pickleball courts, just seems like a poor way for a local government to operate.