Peachtree City to consider carry-out mixed drinks, rear cart decals, stricter dog tethering rules


Under proposed new alcohol rules for Peachtree City, you can get a martini to go and bring your own bottle of wine to participating restaurants, if the City Council approves a proposed ordinance revision at its Thursday night meeting at City Hall.

Another likely new rule will affect all golf cart owners operating on Peachtree City cath paths. Beginning next May, your cart will be required to have three license decals, one on each side and one visible from the rear of the cart.

And for dog owners, tethering an animal outside a residence must meet strict new rules.

Also on the agenda, a contract worth nearly $700,000 to resurface the Riley Field Track off Wisdom Road.

Details following the agenda below:



OCTOBER 6, 2022

6:30 p.m. at City Hall

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Moment of Silence

IV. Announcements, Awards, Special Recognition

V. Public Comment

VI. Agenda Changes

VII. Minutes

September 15, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2022 Executive Session Minutes

September 27, 2022, Special Called Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2022, Special Called Meeting Minutes

VIII. Consent Agenda

1. Resolution & Agreement with GMA for Telecommunications and Right of Way Management

IX. Old Agenda Items

09-22-06 Second Reading- Alcohol Ordinance Amendment (Julio)

X. New Agenda Items

10-22-01 Riley – Park Enhancements (Borkowski)

10-22-02 First Reading — Amend Registration/Decal/Transfer Requirements Ordinance (Strickland)

10-22-03 First Reading — Tethering Ordinance (Strickland)

10-22-04 Award Contract for City Aquatic Facilities and FY-23 Budget Amendment (Bledsoe)

XI. Council/Staff Topics

Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority (King)

XII. Executive Session

Now, details from the council meeting packet about the proposed new rules:

• Adopt the updated Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages ordinance.

Discussion: Georgia Senate Bill 236 was passed and approved in 2021. It now allows for mixed alcoholic beverages to be sold for off-premises consumption in approved containers by food service establishments that are allowed to sell distilled spirits for consumption on premises.

This ordinance also provides an update to the brown bagging section of the code to allow restaurants who currently hold an alcohol license to establish a corkage fee and policy, so patrons may bring their own bottle of wine when dining in.

After discussions following the first reading, the definition previously listed for outdoor dining has been removed from this proposed ordinance.

• Recommendation: Amend Registration/Decal/Transfer Requirements Ordinance 

First Reading — At the request of Council, staff has reviewed the possibility of requiring a third registration number decal placed on the rear of golf carts for the purpose of better visibility of cart registration numbers.

Logistically, every cart is different and citizens will have to place the decal on a different location on their individual carts to adhere to the proposed ordinance.

Staff has crafted the amendment in such a way as to require that the decal be visible from the rear of the cart without requiring a specified location.

If this ordinance is approved, staff will begin prepping for an effective date of enforcement beginning May 1, 2023.

The City plans to mail out a third decal to all active registrants in the Spring of 2023 and will also plan to provide educational materials and communications to make the public aware of the new requirements.

This proposed ordinance amendment does not affect the two side decals requirement that is currently in place. Carts currently registered will keep their same registration number.

Three numerical decals shall be issued upon registration; and a record of each motorized cart number, along with the name and address of the owner, shall be maintained by the finance division. Two decals must be affixed to the sides. Effective May 1, 2023, an additional decal must be affixed to rear of the cart. All decals must be affixed in such a manner as to be fully visible at all times.

The failure to have a current registration and decal on a motorized cart shall be a violation of this section and subject the owner of such cart to the penalties set forth in section 1-11.

• Recommendation: Riley – Park Enhancements — That the bid for the resurfacing of the Riley Field Track be awarded to Deluxe Athletics in the amount of $693,802.98. 

Discussion: The running track at this location is well over 10 years old and is need of repair. The existing rubber surface is coming off and the asphalt base is significantly cracked.

• Recommendation: First Reading — Adopt the proposed Tethering Ordinance. 

Discussion: At the request of Council, staff (Chief of Police, Senior Code Enforcement, and the Interim City Manager) met with the Fayette County Animal Control Director, Jerry Collins, to discuss a potential tethering ordinance for the City of Peachtree City.

Mr. Collins confirmed that the County’s Animal Control would enforce any ordinances we have in place regarding tethering. Mr. Collins also helped our Code Enforcement department draft the proposed ordinance based on other ordinances within our area that he is aware of.

This proposed ordinance has been reviewed by the Chief of Police, the City Attorney, and the City Manager. Staff concluded that this proposed ordinance captures regulations that City Council has requested regarding tethering, that is enforceable while allowing reasonable exemptions. 

(b) Tethering. 

(1) No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie or restrain an animal, or cause such restraining of an animal to a single point, tree, fence, post, doghouse, or other stationary object except as set forth in subparagraph (b)(2) and (b)(3) below. 

(2) Cable trolley system. No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie or restrain an animal, or cause such restraining of an animal, except by cable trolley system that: 

a. Allows movement of the animal

b. The cable along which the trolley tethering device can move must have swivels installed at each end and be attached to stationary objects that cannot be moved by the animal

c. The length of the cable along which the trolley tethering device can move is at least ten feet long

d. The cable along which the trolley tethering device can move is a minimum of four feet high and a maximum of seven feet high 

e. Tethers and cables attaching the animal to the running cable line trolley tethering device must be made of a substance which cannot be chewed by the animal, shall not weigh more than five percent of the of the body weight of the animal tethered and have swivels at both ends 

f. The tethering line attached to the animals collar or harness is of such length that the animal is able to move ten feet away from the cable perpendicularly but; maintain a sufficient distance from any other objects to prohibit the tangling of the cable, from extending over an object or edge that could result in injury of strangulation of the animal, be of sufficient distance from any fence as to prohibit the animal access to the fence and to ensure the animal cannot move beyond the property limits of the owner

g. The tethering line attached to the animal’s collar or harness is of such length to allow access to food, water and shelter 

h. The tethering line may not be directly wrapped around the animal’s neck, instead it must be attached with a swiveling clasp to a properly fitted harness or collar which allows at least two fingers between the collar and the animals throat. Choke collars and pinch collars are prohibited for the purposes of tethering and attaching an animal to a running cable line or trolley system 

i. The area must be sufficient in size so as to allow the animal the ability to defecate or urinate in an area separate from the area where it must eat, drink, or lie down

j. Only one animal may be attached to the cable trolley system at a time

k. Unsterilized females may not be attached to a cable trolley system unless immediately supervised by a responsible and competent person 

l. The cable trolley system may not be the primary form of restraint of the animal. The owner/keeper must be present on the property or premises where the cable trolley system is located when the animal is attached thereto. 

(3) Exemptions: 

a. Animals that are in immediate attention of a responsible and competent person while still on their property and cannot come within 10 feet of any street, multi-use path or sidewalk.

b. Animals that are under the physical control of a professional who, for compensation, trains, conditions, shows, grooms or provides medical attention.


    • Doug I agree with you that most golf carts currently present a challenge when trying to put a decal on the rear of the cart. However, when there are incidents on the cart path, most often your best chance of identifying the golf cart involved is to spot the number as the cart drives away. Therefore I am in favor of it and will figure out a way to Attach it.

      • That’s a good question. For argument sake, if 18% of our city population use the track then the repair job would work out to be roughly $100 per person using it I don’t find that to be unreasonable, But honestly I’ve never seen the track so I have no idea if 10 people a day use it or 500.

        • I have no idea what the usage rate is either, but I am at that facility fairly often and drive by there even more often and its always in use from my observation. I imagine it would get even more use by running clubs if large chunks of the track weren’t missing. Not to mention the safety issue the condition presents. I do know that in my extended family 6 kids (all under 12 yo) have run at events there this year. My bet would be its >18% of the cities population, but who really knows? IMO, it should be fixed

          • Agree with that 100% Vic! Attracts young families to this town and keeps the kids busy and off the streets. Our athletic facilities for young people should be elite and plentiful…

            Thank goodness for all the private athletic facilities that have opened here. Must be good money in it…