A pelican brief for Peachtree City


We’re not sure of the global warming significance of this photo, but here’s what Peachtree City’s David Cree has to say about his sighting of a flock of American white pelicans: “I have been a ‘birder’ for almost 20 years and have observed over 620 North American species and became a bird photographer about five years ago. Nine days ago, I went over to a neighbor whose home is directly on Lake Kedron to look at his back lawn and noticed a big white blob out on the water. Knowing it was birds, I did a double-take as I realized that it was a flock of white pelicans, about 17 birds. I have never seen white pelicans on Lake Kedron, let alone here in Peachtree City nor Fayette County for that matter. I have not checked the state records regarding that but will try to find out this week. I ran home and got my camera gear and despite the misty rain managed a few decent photos.” Photo/David Cree.