Don’t burst our Peachtree City Bubble


The crown jewel of Peachtree City, the Multi Use Path System, is being put in jeopardy. One household in the Waterwood Bend community is attempting to privatize the cart path beside their home. This cart path was in place when they purchased the home and moved into Peachtree City 3 1/2 years ago.

If this privilege is given to them, it must be given to other homeowners in the same situation, therefore changing the entire feel of community within our city.

This will not affect every homeowner that has a cart path beside their home, as these easements were put in place differently through the years. There are now regulated ways that developers have to put in the access paths when a neighborhood is built. These regulations did not exist 41 years ago when this path was built.

Many of us in Peachtree City enjoy homes that have had many owners through the years. With that said, we are, in a way, all temporary residents in this amazing city.

When requests for ordinances, rules and regulations to be changed for current situations, desires and opinions, the greater good of the city must always be considered. These new rules have a lasting effect for generations to come. So, we must never change our sacred City Ordinances lightly.

I am a 40+ year resident of Fayette County, living in Peachtree City for 13 of those years, I have also had the privilege of being a Realtor in this county for 23 years. Peachtree City has always been seen as having a step above in property values, due in large part to the cart path system. If the use and access to the path system is diminished, this will have a catastrophic effect on the housing values in the city.

Erin Hawkins

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Peachtree City is an amazing place to live . We came from New York and moved here just for the Peachtree City experience. I do not think the golf cart paths should be changed at all even at home owners request. It truly separates us to a higher quality of life. However should be a course needed for 15–year-olds to drive on the golf car cart. Just basic information for example, honking the horn before entering a tunnel taking it slow on turns.. But saying that the paths are the problem in Peachtree city is completely inaccurate. The paths are high benefit of Peachtree city.

    – A person seeking privatizing the easement golf cart entrance purchases house, knowing it was there, and is the husband of a the City Council . I know the area it is not highly used easement, and it does not breach his privacy at all.
    There has been several protest, and as of now he has been declined.
    It should be expected that living in Peachtree city there will be easements to the paths whether you purchase it with one already established or an additional one needs to be added.

    Basically, just don’t mess with the golf cart paths

  2. I think all vehicle licenses should be 16 for learner’s permit and 17 for individual that would include cars and golf carts.
    Kids are so immature and distracted, I see them on phones when driving cars and carts, there is very little situational awareness because they all live in “virtual” worlds of make believe.

  3. I feel like that bubble is already burst. I will not let my children use the cart path system without an adult present because of the moronic teenagers who speed like crazy on the cart paths. These teenagers in question are a disease to our community and I blame the parents. Any paths south of Balmoral Village apartments are fine. The paths surrounding the apartments and anything further north are too dangerous.