Summer Explorations sparks learning in young minds

Elementary students across the county are participating in Summer Explorations, a summer learning program offered by Fayette County Public Schools. 

Just because school is out doesn’t mean you can’t find great opportunities to expand your mind. Elementary students across the county are participating in Summer Explorations, a summer learning program offered by Fayette County Public Schools.

The learning experience engages students in STEM explorations in science, social studies, and math with a focus on literacy, as they explore heat, stars, and human adaptations to the natural environment.

Language arts skills, including reading prediction and comprehension, speaking and listening, and writing are interwoven, along with authentic opportunities to practice and extend previously learned math skills focused on numbers and operations.

Hands-on learning has 3rd graders investigating heat conductivity and building model shelters to stay cool or warm, 4th graders learning about starlight as well as their use for navigation, and 5th graders studying severe weather and building model levees.