Gardening rights bill now being considered in House


Last week House Bill 853 was introduced in the General Assembly.

It states: No county, municipality, consolidated government, or local government authority shall prohibit or require any permit for the growing or raising of food crops or chickens or rabbits in home gardens, coops, or pens on private residential property so long as such food crops or animals or the products thereof are used for human consumption by the occupant of such property and members of his or her household and not for commercial purposes.

This is a victory for the thousands of people in Georgia that have had their constitutional rights stripped away in the name of progress.

However, this is only the first step. This bill is in committee and needs our support to move it along.

Please contact your legislators and the members of the Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee and tell them that you want your rights back.

There is a website set up to help in this cause:

Joseph Pond

Marietta, Ga.