WATCH: Senate Republicans Block Sen. Ossoff’s Amendment to Protect Children’s & Maternal Health Care Through Medicaid

Senate Republicans have blocked U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff’s amendment to protect children’s and maternal health care through Medicaid.
Tonight, Senate Republicans blocked Sen. Ossoff’s amendment during the Senate’s budget debate that would have protected children’s and maternal health care through Medicaid.
In Georgia, Medicaid covers 40% of children and nearly half of all births.
“The momentum that is growing in Washington to gut the Medicaid program is alarming my constituents in Georgia,” Sen. Ossoff said. “The sheer number of people affected, Mr. President, in Georgia, 5 out of 7 seniors in nursing homes are covered by Medicaid. Nearly 50% of all births are covered by Medicaid. 2 out of 5 children in Georgia are covered by Medicaid.”
“I hope we can build bipartisan support for my amendment to ensure that maternal and children’s health care through Medicaid is protected,” Sen. Ossoff continued.

Jon Ossoff is the Senior United States Senator from the State of Georgia. Elected in 2021, he currently serves on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee; Select Committee on Intelligence; and Rules Committee.


  1. Everytime I see Ossoff, I get a chuckle. I immediately think of his nickname, the LATE GREAT Rush coined for him; “Pajama Boy”. He would always refer to him as, ‘Pajama Boy’ if a story about him was mentioned.

  2. Wing – This is the second obvious breach of journalism by the Citizen. There are only two reasons not to explain the other side of this issue: either the editor wants to play to the MSNBC crowd or pure laziness.

    A quick search shows that 14 states have declined to participate in this federal program for several reasons: funds are distributed on an EBT card that doesn’t ensure the money is spent on food for children and is open to fraud, technical issues due to old computer systems, and satisfaction with their own state-run programs. “14 GOP-led states have turned down federal money to feed low-income kids in the summer. Here’s why” APNews 2/16/2024

    I’ll add that welfare programs in general are bankrupting the US, and are extremely generous. If we are to get our country’s finances under control, we will have to cut or change more than just the federal bureaucracy.

    A recent study showed that “Those with the least earned income had more actual total income than those in the next two higher quintiles! The average household in the bottom fifth received 14 percent more income than the average second-fifth household and 3.3 percent more than the average middle-income household.” “What’s Wrong With The U.S. Welfare State?” John Goodman in Forbes 5/7/2024.

    In other words, dollar for dollar, the “poorest” have the same or better spending power as hard-working taxpayers in the middle of the income distribution. And this does not consider privately-funded charity benefits.

    Get this: there are 95 welfare-related government programs! Time for DOGE to look these over – – common-sense says we can greatly reduce overlaps, waste and fraud in these government benefits and transfer payment programs.

    For those who reflexively spouted leftist propaganda in these comments, you’ve again shown your inability to look into issues, to think critically or to debate with facts. Sadly, no surprise from today’s progressives.

    • I do not necessarily see a need for “The Citizen” to supplement news items. For me, it is enough to simply report or illustrate the local news affecting us. I haven’t been able to identify your sources to support your declarations. Perhaps a more concise citation is appropriate. I also think we spend far too much on social welfare and disregard the protections I think we most need from the Government.

      Incidentally, of “14 GOP-led states have turned down federal money to feed low-income kids in the summer,” the majority of them were in the lower half of states ranked by life expectancy and high school completion (2021-2022). It does not look favorably on GOP-led states.

      Also, and by the way, John (C.) Goodman is Director of the Goodman Institute. Whereas the Goodman Institute promotes Medicare Advantage, one might find an interesting relationship between those companies offering Medicare Advantage plans, the Heritage Foundation, and the Goodman Institute. I personally find Medicare Advantage plans are a rip off of Medicare premiums and do little to support the Government’s efforts to provide healthcare to the aging population. They highlight the benefits of the program, such as saving taxpayers money and providing comprehensive coverage for seniors. According to a study, the migration of people from traditional Medicare to Medicare Advantage has saved the federal government $144 billion over the last decade. The Goodman Institute also emphasizes that Medicare Advantage plans typically offer extra benefits, such as dental, eye, and hearing care, which are not available in traditional Medicare. However, the outcast Democratic Party has been trying to include dental, vision, and hearing care to Medicare for years. One might also find an interesting correlation between partisan support to deny the expansion of Medicare (to include those items making Medicare Advantage plans appealing). Unfortunately, I find those companies marketing Medicare Advantage plans limit span of healthcare providers available within those plans. I personally want to go to the doctors and hospitals I want for whatever ails me. I am able to do so with Medicare (Parts A and B) and secondary insurance for prescriptions, dental, vision, and hearing care.

      Please do not think I am politically liberal. I am not and am possibly one of the most conservative people in the area. However, it looks like the GOP has done everything it can to circumvent the needs of the people to profit the desires of the few.

  3. So the citizen (hardly worthy of a capital C anymore) is now just blindly posting material they find on Ossoff’s Facebook page or on Reddit as “news”? This belongs in an editorial section if you’re not going to do any sort of reporting and if you’re just going to take a political story and reprint it as if it’s the gospel truth, without any sort of actual journalism effort.

    Have any of you lefty’s done your homework to find out what Ossoff was proposing and why it was blocked? Might do you some good to look at both sides of the story.

  4. I don’t think Humpty Dumpty “conned” evangelicals, assuming you are writing about Christian Evangelicals. Christians could not conscientiously vote for Humpty Dumpty. If they did, they were hypocrites or lying about their Christianity. Humpty Dumpty was not secretive about what he wanted.

    • Please! 47 never cared about abortion or helping poor children. He just needed pliable Supreme Court justices to give him a Get Our of Jail free card and rubber stamp his unconstitutional actions. He conned the evangelicals into supporting him, and now he has abandoned them.

      Welcome to politics 101.

      • I don’t think Humpty Dumpty “conned” evangelicals, assuming you are writing about Christian Evangelicals. Christians could not conscientiously vote for Humpty Dumpty. If they did, they were hypocrites or lying about their Christianity. Humpty Dumpty was not secretive about what he wanted.