Garden Views: Leave a Legacy: Plant a Tree on Arbor Day, February 21


Did you know one of the best things you can do for future generations is to plant a native tree? There’s an old Chinese proverb that states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now!” Trees enhance the curb appeal of your home and increase your property value (as much as 15%)! They provide shade during the long, hot summer, help to clean the air by absorbing carbon and other pollutants, provide a habitat for birds, beneficial insects, and other wildlife, and give protection for understory plants like wildflowers and smaller shrubs and trees. Trees reduce your heating and air conditioning costs, help aerate the soil, minimize storm water run-off and erosion, reduce noise levels, and support mental health by reducing anxiety. What’s not to like?

Georgia celebrates Arbor Day in February each year because it is the perfect time to plant trees! Make sure when you plant a tree that you consider its mature size, and plant the tree in a site where it can spread out (if large) and the site meets its sun/shade requirements.

Planting a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees ensures you will have varied interest all year long. Some favorite, large evergreen trees include Southern magnolia, American holly, live oak, and Eastern red cedar.  A popular variety of Southern magnolia is the dwarf ‘Little Gem.’ It features stunning, fragrant white blooms in late spring. The American holly is prized for its festive, winter red berries that attract birds.

Favorite deciduous trees (trees that drop their leaves in the fall) include red maple, flowering dogwood, redbud, and many of the oak species.  Though not native, Japanese maple trees offer stunning color in the spring and fall and make a signature statement in your landscape.

Who doesn’t have a childhood memory of a favorite tree you climbed, or remembers whiling away a lazy summer day in swing attached to a tree in your yard? Why not plant a tree this Arbor Day and create memories and leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren and generations to come!