I totally understand perfectionism. We’re old buddies, and he loves to hijack my time. It’s an easy thing too, to get so caught up in the details that I’ve somehow spent two hours on a small task that should’ve taken 20 minutes. Been there, done that, still do it today.
While I love a well-laid out and ‘perfect’ plan, product, website, you name it—I also know that waiting until something is perfect to send it out prevents some really beautiful ideas from ever seeing the light of day. So today, I just want to provide a few ways to break free from the need to be perfect. Let’s let those great ideas run free.
Good Enough Can Be Great Enough
Today, projects are not left open-ended. Well, maybe some, but any business owner can tell you that the entrepreneurial spirit never really dies. Even if the results are not flawless, I set a deadline where it counts. I personally think it’s also better to have a finished product than a perfect idea collecting dust.
That’s why ‘good enough’ can be exactly what is needed. If I’m stuck on something for too long, I’ve got to sit back and ask: Does this work? Does it convey the message? Does it provoke the action? Will people enjoy it? If yes, I’m pressing send.
Bring In Some Fresh Eyes
When I’m too close to the work, I also have to bring in another set of eyes. It’s hard to see the big picture when you’re tunneled into choosing between 3 different shades of blue. Ask a friend or colleague to take a look when it gets that way. They’ll give you great feedback, and sometimes even let you know that what you see as a small imperfection, is actually pretty awesome.
Facing the Fear Behind Perfectionism
Perfectionism is mostly about fear. It’s the fear of failure of living up to your own expectations. Also, not to get too deep, but Confucius said it best: “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”