The Starr’s Mill High School TipOff Club is again hosting its annual MLK Day 3-on-3 basketball tournament on Monday, January 20th, at the Starr’s Mill High School and Rising Starr Middle School gyms.
Students from grades 3 – 8 are invited to form teams of 3 or 4 players and to head over on MLK Day to compete against other teams to see who will win this year and take home the champions t-shirts. There are separate boys and girls divisions in each grade, and teams are guaranteed a minimum of 3 games.
3rd and 4th grade teams can register starting at 8:00am, with play to begin at 8:30am. 5th and 6th grade teams can register starting at 10:30am, with games beginning at 11:00am. 7th and 8th grade teams can register starting at 1:00pm, with games starting at 1:30pm. Early registration is also available for teams wanting to register and pay before Monday.
Complete rules, times, and registration forms can be found on the Starr’s Mill TipOff club web site: www.smhoops.org
Questions about the tournament and completed registration forms can be sent to smhstoc@gmail.com