Garden Views: Garden Resolutions for the New Year (Some Serious and some Doomed to Fail!)

  • I will take a deep breath and not buy every new plant I see at the nursery this year.
  • Since that is not going to happen, I’ll promise to plant whatever I buy right away.
  • I will try to find all the pruners and trowels I misplaced in the garden last year.
  • And speaking of tools, I am going to try to clean them more often and keep them sharpened so they will actually help me in the garden.
  • I will take a few extra minutes to get prepared before I go out to garden…wear proper shoes, gloves and use sun screen and bug spray this year.
  • I want to plant more things to attract birds and butterflies. I don’t plan to attract deer!
  • I’m not going to be a perfectionist but learn to live with a little leaf spot, insect damage, droopy hydrangeas and leaves always falling in my pond. I will remember a garden is always a little messy, like life.
  • I will try to go through a complete gardening year without getting poison ivy. (That means always wearing gloves and looking where I am sitting!)
  • I will try to get more kids involved with gardening and nature. I’d love to garden with a child.
  • I will plant something to eat – tomatoes and herbs – and buy my produce and fruit locally.
  • I will try to do a better job of weeding by doing a little each day.
  • I’ll be “greener” in the garden – keep composting, collect water in rain barrels and use fewer pesticides.
  • I’ll be more committed to writing in my garden journal and keeping track of how much I actually spend in the garden – yikes!  I will keep this information from my husband.
  • If a plant’s not happy, I will dig it up and plant it elsewhere. What’s the worst that can happen?  Well, it could die but I’ll let it go.
  • I will not complain about 90 degree temperatures and bugs. (Ask me how I am doing in August!)
  • I pledge to stop and enjoy the garden in each season and not just see what needs to be done.
  • I want to have more fun in the garden and share it with friends. So come on over and see me!