Music Fills the Christmas Story And Helps Make Season Bright


I love hearing and singing the music of Christmas. Topping my “favorites” are “Oh Holy Night,” “Joy to the World,” “Oh Come All Ye Faithful,” “Silent Night,” and the traditional carols we grew up with.

In addition, just about anything from the Carpenters, Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, Frank Sinatra, Andy Williams, and Josh Groban contribute to the warmth and aura of the season. It’s hard to top Bing singing “White Christmas” and Nat King Cole crooning about chestnuts roasting on the open fire.

Of course, there are some non-favorites that make you turn the channel as soon as the tune reaches your ears. Only, once you hear it, the sound sticks with you like Jesse Bates on a wide receiver. These aggravating tunes seep into your brain and pop into your thinking 100 times a day.

I could go an entire season without Elvis singing “I’ll Have a Blue Christmas Without You.” I have no qualms with Elvis, but my Christmas temporarily turns blue the minute I hear that song. And why do we have to hear “Feliz Navidad” 1,000 times a Christmas season? That song is torture. I also can do without “Christmas in Killarney” and “Christmas Island.”

“I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” was never really that cute. The dogs barking “Jingle Bells,” “Santa Baby” and anything by Alvin and the Chipmunks I can live without. And do they have to wear out “All I Want for Christmas is You?”

Music has been a major part of the Christmas celebration since the original holy night. Music fills the Christmas story and proclaims the most wonderful news you can hear. The angel announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds, then an angelic chorus filled the sky, singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace, goodwill to all men,” (Luke 2:14). Technically, the text says the angels spoke these words, but I like to think of their message as song because they lifted praises to God.

Mary sang what is known as the “Magnificat” in response to the news that she would be the mother of the coming Messiah (Luke 1:46-55). This peasant girl lifted a song of rejoicing that God would remember the lowly.

Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, praised God for His coming deliverance (Luke 1:68-79). Simeon, whom God promised would see the Messiah before his death, held the baby Jesus in his arms and sang a song of praise that God kept His promise (Luke 2:29-32). Christmas reminds us our faithful God always keeps His promises.

The greatest song of Christmas does not leap from our lips or dance around in our heads. It’s the song imbedded in our hearts when we catch the true spirit of Christmas. It’s a song of hope, peace, love and joy that springs from the presence of Jesus Himself, the Christ of Christmas. When we receive God’s gift of eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, Jesus lives within us, and there’s music in our lives year-round.

Pastor Hugh Litchfield wrote about a lady who lived in a rundown section of Richmond, Virginia. This senior saint’s body ached from arthritis. She was almost an invalid. Yet, there was one thing about her that people always could count on. She was a singer, and she loved to sing. Whenever people visited her, she was always listening to music. She wanted guests to sing a song with her. And she always had a song to sing for her guests.

At her funeral, her pastor said, “Mrs. Jacobs always had a song in her heart, and the reason she always had a song in her heart was because Christ was in her heart and Christ was there to help her sing it.” That’s the impact Christmas brings. That’s the joy Jesus brings. The music never stops because Jesus comes to help us keep on singing.

Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let’s celebrate His coming!

(David L. Chancey, the Writing Pastor, lives in Fayetteville, Georgia, and enjoys preaching, writing, and spending time with family. He’s the author of three books, including The Most Wonderful News You Will Hear: Proclaiming Glad Tidings at Christmas. Visit to order and to see more of his writings. Contact him at