After investigation, Covid vaccine mandates just look bad, even corrupt


In last week’s column, I told you how the 2024 General Election (early voting has started) could lead to healthier, smarter, and longer lives for all of us (see: The current government corruption is a danger to us all.

This week, I hope to motivate you to vote for a team that prioritizes your family’s health.

New York Times best-selling author and professor Naomi Wolf, Ph.D., has just released a new blockbuster book, “The Pfizer Papers,” with the help of a team of 3,200 physicians and scientists. The book exposes the terrifying findings from Pfizer’s data on the mRNA vaccine submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Wolf worked on both Bill Clinton’s and Al Gore’s presidential campaigns and has been a prominent figure in the feminist movement. She became interested in the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine after learning of numerous dangerous reactions from other women.

You will recall that the FDA fought in court to prevent the release of the Pfizer data and asked the judge to rule that the information, 450,000 pages, could not be released for 75 years. The FDA eventually lost, and Wolf was emboldened to create one of the most extensive scientific panels of its kind to decode the data from Pfizer’s study.

Forcing the truth to the forefront

As Wolf began to speak publicly on the side effects of the vaccine, the national media and the Biden Administration began a smear campaign against her, and the tech giants began to censor and de-platform her.

Wolf calls the Covid-19 scandal “the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.” Keep in mind that statement comes from a woman who is the granddaughter of two people who lost eight siblings to the Holocaust.

The scientific panels have assembled 109 reports on the Pfizer studies through multiple review levels. Those reports are available on the website.

There is a distinct reason Pfizer did not want your family to have access to their studies. Wolf calls the Covid scheme “a massive transfer of wealth based on a lie.”

Just the facts – straight from Pfizer

Pfizer knew within a month after the rollout of the vaccine to the public in November 2020 that the vaccine didn’t work to stop Covid, and it was ineffective against Covid. The language internally is “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.”

In fact, the third most common side effect of Covid listed in the Pfizer documents is contracting Covid.

Government science officials told us that the components like the spike protein in the mRNA, the lipid nanoparticles that encase the mRNA, and the polyethylene glycol, which is a petroleum byproduct that encases the lipid nanoparticles, would remain in the deltoid, the injection site. However, Pfizer’s internal documents show that they knew that it bio distributes within 48 hours and accumulates in the liver, adrenals, spleen, lymphatic system, and ovaries, and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Within three months of the vaccine rollout, Pfizer knew that 12,125 people died.

Pfizer knew by April of 2021 that the injection was damaging minors’ hearts. They had warnings from the Israeli Health Ministry and a pediatric group. Through a freedom of information act (FOIA) request, lawyers discovered e-mail chains on the Pfizer data went up to Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and 15 officials in the White House.

Government science leadership conferred on how to lie to the American people, and they created a script on the myocarditis issue. The script is 17 pages long and completely redacted, but you remember they began saying pericarditis and myocarditis in young men and teenagers are transient, mild, and rare.

They were lying, and the evidence was in their possession. Worse, they still recommended that children be vaccinated, and school systems nationwide mandated that recommendation.

Pfizer onboarded 600 full-time staffers because the volume of adverse event reports was so significant that they knew they had to hire that many just to process them. They had to ramp up to an expected total of “more than 1,800 additional resources” by the end of June 2021.

Pfizer had a stroke report and liver damage report, and in both those reports, half of the adverse events took place within 48 hours of receiving the injection.

The single most frequent side effect is muscle pain. The second most common side effect is joint pain.

Wolf cites Pfizer’s knowledge of “industrial scale blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, clotting disorders of all kinds.”

The data include all kinds of neurological events, including Parkinson’s, Bell’s palsy, and epilepsy-type convulsions. The Pfizer Papers book describes the mechanism of the disorders caused by lipid nanoparticles degrading the myelin sheath, which functions as insulation around nerve cells.

Was it intentional?

It’s important to note that these revelations are not anecdotal stories of people like Wolf reporting to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). No, this is straight from Pfizer’s own trial groups.

Wolf says, “These documents, many of them, say at the bottom ‘FDA confidential’ … the FDA knew all of this and waved it through, waved through, said it was safe and effective over and over and over.”

Wolf was shocked that since Covid is primarily a respiratory illness, the Pfizer trial conducted minimal investigation on how the vaccine affects the respiratory system. Instead, reproduction was the centerpiece of their focus.

Lipid nanoparticles not only block women’s ovaries, but Pfizer also knew that they were degrading the placenta, creating calcifications, and making it more difficult for babies in utero to get nutrients and oxygen.

Dr. Walensky had the Pfizer documents in her possession on April 20, 2021. Wolf describes that on April 23, 2021, Walensky gave a “press conference for pregnant women at which she said there’s no bad time to get a Covid vaccine before your pregnancy, during your pregnancy, or after your baby is born.”

It’s frightening when Bill Gates, a vocal supporter of the Pfizer vaccine, vaccine investor, and World Health Organization funder, comments like this at TED Talks: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Forewarned, Biden mandates anyway

The mandates for vaccination were not proven in science, as demonstrated in the Pfizer studies. It’s politics that mandated our teachers, doctors, nurses, students, police, firefighters, the military, and the very people you need to have a healthy society are now the ones in danger of getting sick or struggling with fertility.

And if being vaccinated for Covid was so crucial to the federal government, why were 20 million illegal immigrants allowed to cross the border with no vaccine mandate?

You should buy Wolf’s book, read it, and decide what you will do if the government mandates another mRNA vaccine.

your health depends upon reforming the system

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has cited the abuse and fought the federal government agencies for years.

The Democrat Party rebuffed Kennedy’s attempts to restructure and clean up the corruption that impacts our federal health agencies. He decided to run for president as an independent and recently abandoned his campaign to support Donald Trump, who embraced Kennedy’s bold stance to reform the federal public health agencies.

Trump relayed that there is a position in the administration for Kennedy, and they have coined the phrase “Make America Healthy Again.”

Kennedy knows how the system works and has been fighting the government in the courts. His appointment could be the biggest revolution in public health since the creation of the CDC.

It’s time to stop the collusion between big pharma and the federal government. Our nation gets less healthy every year, and we have got to turn the ship around for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Go vote.

[Brown is a former mayor of Peachtree City and served two terms on the Fayette County Board of Commissioners. You can read all his columns by clicking on his photo below.]


  1. Read more carefully… the DATA comes from Pfizer, the big pharma company that made billions from COVID thanks to Biden. The author collects and presents the data for the world to interpret. This isn’t hard. It’s very easy to see the collusion at the top, resulting in many health issues that the COVID “vaccine” actually caused. The jab didn’t help anyone, other than line the pockets of many and bankrupted thousands of business.

  2. Naomi Wolf has a PhD in English Literature and has been roundly dismissed by all legitimate scientists even with competing perspectives. Steve will next cite George Lincoln Rockwell’s views on Talmudic studies.