Democrats and Trump and ‘never forget’ signs


Some of our Democrat citizens have taken to displaying yard signs that read, “Never Forget … the attacks on our capitol.”

Now, I know Democrats have been trying to make hay out of that unfortunate day for almost 4 years now. They and their allies in the DOJ have succeeded in over-prosecuting the protestors/rioters of that day to ridiculous degrees, including jail sentences of 3 years or more for simply being there.

But the fact is that after numerous attempts to hold Trump legally accountable for the “attacks,” none have come close to sticking. (By the way, what is this with the term “attacks”? It was one day and most of the protestors were let into the Capitol building by the police, and were soon escorted out.)

This, from a Department of Justice that was able to collude with New York city prosecutors to convict Trump of highly spurious “election interference” charges, even when he wasn’t technically charged with that crime.

Did Trump act irresponsibly on January 6th? Yes.

Did he encourage the protestors to enter the Capitol? No.

Should have done more to stop it? Yes.

But, is he and are they guilty of trying to overthrow our democracy in a real and significant way? No.

I would argue that the myriad changes made to election procedures leading up to the 2020 election were much more harmful to our democratic norms than anything Trump or the rioters did.

And, if it is a crime to question the results of an election you don’t like, why do Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and many more of their ilk get off Scot-free for challenging the legitimacy of the elections they lost?

What most aggravates me about these particular “Never Forget” signs is that that phrase is primarily associated with the Holocaust. By using it in connection with January 6th, you are falsely equating the two events and doing a great disservice to the true meaning of that slogan.

As we are seeing in the Middle East and in our big blue cities today, it is vital that we do not forget that the kind of anti-semitism and deadly hate that brought about the Holocaust still exists today and must be defeated.

The momentary anger and frustration that the protestors felt at the election results and shenanigans of 2020 are nothing compared to the real menace that is targeted by that phrase. So please have the decency to refrain from its use.

And, by the way, if we’re going to remember what happened that day, how about we remember that the only victim was Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in the neck by a police officer.

Or let’s remember that the MSM and the Democrats told us for years, and still claim, that a police officer died as a result of the January 6th riot. That never happened, but they still use that fiction to justify their fake outrage.

Or what about the fact that Nancy Pelosi declined to allow more law enforcement to guard the Capitol that day even though she and everyone knew there was potential for chaos?

Or that a guy named Ray Epps repeatedly called for protestors to enter the Capitol on both January 5th and 6th? (Yes, he was later convicted, but just got one year of probation, which was a slap on the wrist compared to the vast majority of the some 300 defendants.)

I will admit I am quite conflicted in my support of Donald Trump and on what happened on January 6th. He is a difficult guy to support and that event was a tragedy in many ways, especially for the Babbitt family.

But it certainly was not on par with the ultimate atrocity perpetrated by the Nazis and has resulted in far, far less damage to our country than the attacks on and abuse of our judicial system by Democratic prosecutors and administrators, who either fail to enforce the law or misuse it to attack their political enemies on a regular basis.

THAT is something I will not forget as I choose between Trump and Harris this election.

Trey Hoffman

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Today, President Biden made a mockery of his contention that he is a man of principle. Pardoning his son is an affront to his stated ethics and his promise not to intervene in his son’s legal problems. It is a most egregious slap in the face of executive separation from the workings of the Department of Justice, and it hands his successor a megaphone to excoriate this hypocrisy while simultaneously using it as a precedence. This will tarnish his legacy significantly.

    Say it ain’t so, Joe.

    • Spot on, Fiction. Biden has cemented his place as the worst and most corrupt president in US history, and further damaged the democrat brand with voters.

      But it’s even worse. Beyond Biden’s repeated denials (now lies) that he would pardon Hunter, he stated the reason he did so was a politicized DOJ!

      Remember that the DOJ hid the legitimacy of Hunter’s laptop that impacted the 2020 election in Biden’s favor. The DOJ also slow-walked tax evasion charges to put Hunter outside of the statute of limitations so he could not be charged for the worst of the shady Biden family deals.

      And Hunter was one judge away from getting an unprecedented sweetheart deal of probation on the gun charge he was later convicted of, as well as blanket immunity from other charges, from Biden’s DOJ.

      Now, Hunter gets off the hook not only for the gun charge and the tax evasion trial, but also for money laundering, working as an unregistered foreign agent or anything else that he has done but hasn’t been charged yet. Hey progressives: we finally found your “privilege”!

      Next watch for Joe to further try to bury the Biden Crime Family case by pardoning other family members who haven’t even been charged, like his brother James. It all smells like Joe is covering for his own role in the family’s influence-peddling business.

      Our weaponized federal justice system covered for Biden’s grift, Pelosi’s insider stock trading, and Jeffrey Epstein’s clients. It also pursued wild lawfare cases and spying against conservatives. Time to clean house and restore due process for all Americans.

  2. In case anyone missed the ethnocentric rally at Madison Square Garden last night, it was just a replay of a 1939 rally on the same floor. They expanded the scapegoats and added much more profanity, but the “America First” sentiments, hateful denigration of anyone who disagreed with them, and appeals to the “true” ethnic Americans was undisguised.

    George Santayana’s warning is screaming today, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Unfortunately, many of us that are well aware of this history may be condemned to repeat it along with those who slept through History of Western Civ. class.

    • At the MSG rally, I heard Vivek Ramaswamy advocate for “safe neighborhoods, good jobs, clean streets” and “a country where you are judged based on the content of your character, not the color of your skin or your political beliefs.”

      He then issued a stern warning to the illegal immigrants that the Biden-Harris regime allowed to invade the country: “We will return you to your country of origin, not because you’re all bad people, but because you broke the law.”

      Hateful denigration that just unhinges STF.

      • Or was it the Trump endorsement by Michael Harris, African American founder of Death Row Records, one of the most powerful labels in the music industry, who got on stage at the MSG rally to endorse Trump, thanking Trump for freeing him after 33 years in prison for a non-violent crime

        Mr. Harris stated, “If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, I wouldn’t be standing here today. So I want to thank President Donald Trump for allowing me to stand in front of you here today.”

        Today, Michael Harris is a prominent leader in his community fighting for poor people. Trump gives 2nd chances to those who deserve them, while Democrats give them to murderers and career criminals.

        Hateful denigration that just unhinges STF.

        • Or is this the one that unhinged STF!

          At the MSG, Dr. Phil just called the Democratic Party a bunch of bullies because they ruin people’s careers and shame them to oblivion if they dare support Donald Trump. Now, he’s giving the bully party a big middle finger and throwing his support for Trump.

          “I’m not here just to stand up for Donald J. Trump. Lord knows he doesn’t need me to stand up for him. He’s tough as an old army boot. He’s got lots of enemies, different groups that are scared. And between them, they have impeached him, indicted him, raided him, railroaded him, shot him, and sued him. And where is he? He is still standing. He just keeps on because he loves this country, too.”

          P.S. In Atlanta yesterday, it was revealed that Trump donated $7million to Samaritans Purse in support of our friends devastated in North Carolina mountains by recent storms. I’m sure the media will twist that just like they have Elons donations.

          How about George Soros democrats, he needs to be investigated!!

    • STF – I had some respect for you. Now I have zero. Now I know you do nothing but repeat talking points and you’re just a useful idi@t schill for the Democrat party. If you had any intellectual honesty, and if you did any of your own research, you’d see that the MSG event was attended by Jews, blacks, hispanics, people of all races creeds and backgrounds. But instead, you apparently keep your TV tuned to CNN and MSNBC and you just mindlessly repeat the baloney that’s being spewed from those networks. Hey – guess what – Kamala wears brown suits, and Hitler wore brown suits. Therefore, Kamala = Hitler. Same logic you’re using. Sheesh.

      • Wing – I have always and still have respect for you and the other commenters on this site. I don’t make emotional appeals. I can’t unsee what I am seeing in light of history, and apparently, it is not clear at all to you. We just disagree.

        Let’s just hope we can always disagree without fear of government reprisals.

        • Nothing about that rally this week had any parallel to the Nazi rally in the 30’s. You know it and you’re flat out lying about it, or you’re just repeating MSNBC / CNN talking points. Which one is it? And if for some reason you believe it did – back it up.

    • STF, yes it was in February of 1939 that a rally occurred at Madison Square Garden billed as a pro Americanism rally. The German American Bund party was unpopular and not welcomed in NYC but 20,000 showed up in support. They challenged the fellow rally members to restore America to the “True Americans” while railing against immigration, Marxism, the enemies within and the Jews. Main speaker Kuhn pushed the narrative rhetoric by purposely mispronouncing the names of FDR and LaGuardia.

      The recent rally at MSG was also filled with anger, vitriol and racist threats. Trump aide Stephen Miller remarked that “America is for Americans and Americans only.” Other speakers made crude remarks and so-called jokes about Latinos, Black Americans and immigrants. DJT repeated his claim that he is fighting the “enemy from within” once again and of course has previously praised the Fuhrer and recently his military generals. And similar, Trump just like Kuhn back in 1939 came to New York knowing he could never win support there but did so anyway. The Bund party had a short run of 3-4 years.

  3. I made a reply yesterday that didn’t appear here, but today, I read something that explained y’all Trump supporters to me in a way I had not considered before. It’s not racism driving you in particular, but aggrievement in general:

    __Some Trump voters may believe his lies. But plenty more want Trump to be terrifying and stomach-turning so that reelecting him will be a fully realized act of social revenge. Harris cannot propose any policy, offer any benefit, or adopt any position that competes with that feeling.

    Exactly why so many Americans feel this way is a complicated story—a toxic combination of social resentment, entitlement, and racial insecurity drives many Trump voters to believe not only that other Americans are looking down on them but that they are doing so while living an undeservedly good life. These others must be punished or at least brought down to a common level of misery to balance the scales, and Trump is the guy to do it.

    This unfocused rage is an addiction fed by Trump and conservative media, and the MAGA base wants it stoked continuously. If Trump were suddenly to become a sensible person who started talking coherently about trade policy and defense budgets, they would feel betrayed, like hard drinkers in a tavern who suspect that the bartender is watering down the high-proof stuff. …some Trump supporters “are not (yet) comfortable with admitting this truth to themselves.”

    …most of them are either caught in a comforting blanket of denial or the fog of detached nihilism. I’m not so sure. I am struck by how often Trump voters—and I am speaking here of rank-and-file voters, not crass opportunists such as Sununu or wealthy wingmen such as Elon Musk—are almost incapable of articulating support for Trump without reference to what Trump will do to other people or without descending into “whataboutism” about Harris. (Yes, Trump said bad things, but what about Harris’s position on gender-affirming medical care for federal prisoners, as if liberal policies are no different from, say, threats to use the military against American citizens.)

    Where all of this leaves us is that Harris could lose the election, not because she didn’t offer the right policies, or give enough interviews, or inspire enough people. She could lose because just enough people in four or five states flatly don’t care about any of that.__

    OMG that makes so much sense, And if you aren’t comfortable admitting this to yourself, even in the face of the horrifying, fascist, and outright cruel things Pres Trump says and does … I don’t know how to reach you, but I will tell you: no trash person is living high on the hog because of government benefits that make your taxes too high. We’re all in this together, a melting pot, and no one is treading on you. You’d do better to support a candidate who will keep the American dream alive for all of us, and no questions asked about your past support for the one JD Vance himself referred to as a potential American Hitler.

    • Interesting observations – I don’t see 45 voters as a monolith. There are a very small portion in the “basket of deplorables” (white supremacists, anarchists, etc.). But let’s face it, both sides have their small groups of deplorables.

      The all-in MAGA voter is the one you describe. They show up at 45’s rallies, believe anything he says regardless of its outlandishness, enjoy his cruel and crude comments, and binge-watch grievance TV and internet feeds. These seem to be high school grads who have been left behind by the economic rewards they see others receiving and need to blame someone other than themselves. Immigrants are great scapegoats, but any minority will do. They don’t really believe that anyone can reverse their economic plight, but at least 45 gives the finger to everyone they hate and blame.

      Then there are the non-MAGA voters who know that 45 lost the 2020 election and says outlandish things. They cringe at his uncouthness and (whether they will admit it or not now) would not have dreamed of voting for him on Jan. 7, 2021. Yet, they reasonably find many things to dislike in the Biden presidency and have used the last four years to convince themselves that the Constitutional guardrails will hold again and 45 can deliver what they desire without plunging the country into the utter chaos he promises.

      There are also one issue voters (abortion, guns, etc.) but these are present on both sides. There are also some Christian nationalists who somehow believe that 45 can convert the U.S. into a theocracy.

      These are just some observations. I’d welcome responses from all corners.

      • I think the “all-in MAGA” voters may be the most hypocritical. Here me out. We’re inside the final two (2) weeks of the national election campaign and what does DJT have on his mind when campaigning in Penna recently? He’s speaking aloud to his rally-goers about a local hometown golfer’s penis size, in apparent admiration? What the heck? Even social-media was said to be baffled by it … and that may be a first.

        Earlier in the week in his 30+ minutes of stoppage time at a campaign rally in the same state, he requested they play a well-known gay-anthem dance song for him and his conservative followers. Again, what the heck? Perhaps this can be explained that there was confusion when told some things about the keystone state (state capital?) and most importantly, don’t forget this is a key “swing” state. You go Donnie, your supporters have got your back no matter what political tune you play.

      • STF, I wish I could see it the way you do, but it’s not just the sort of aggrieved/high grads with low or no prospects who are all-in MAGA. It seems to be the huge majority of the GOP or there’s no way Pres Trump could have secured the nomination. You say:
        “Then there are the non-MAGA voters who know that 45 lost the 2020 election and says outlandish things. They cringe at his uncouthness and (whether they will admit it or not now) would not have dreamed of voting for him on Jan. 7, 2021. Yet, they reasonably find many things to dislike in the Biden presidency and have used the last four years to convince themselves that the Constitutional guardrails will hold again and 45 can deliver what they desire without plunging the country into the utter chaos he promises.”

        But these ARE the people mentioned in the other article … people who know better but are willfully going along with the MAGA crowd. They may be pretending they believe the checks and balances will hold (we’ve seen that in this thread!), but they can’t honestly believe that the same lawmakers who tried and failed twice to impeach Pres Trump last time are now magically going to be able to control him when the rest of the GOP has sworn fealty to MAGA. They’re deceiving themselves, and why? Because, I think, they do want to “own the libs” like stupid kids on a stupid playground. They want it bad enough to destroy the country.

        Doon, I was not aware Pres Trump was negotiating with Flynn about a position in the new administration, but that’s horrifying. And as for the “Secretary of Retribution,” Ivan Raiklin was on the horrifying InfoWars radio program just a few weeks ago threatening anyone who had transgressed against Pres Trump with an ultimatum that if they came to him, confessed their sins, and promised to support MAGA from now on, he would spare them from the carnage to come! I thought he was delusional at the time … but maybe he really WILL be appointed Secretary of Retribution!

        I can’t believe my old dad fought the Nazis, and now here I am watching fools in his beloved GOP do all they can to hand the country over to one. Jesus wept.

    • Look at y’all, playing amateur psychologists! How cute. Let me see if I can summarize: Trump is bad (very bad), and anyone who votes for him is a wild-eyed racist sycophant, right?

      Or could it be that it’s just average Americans who are fed up with the disasters of the last 4 years under democrat policies, and want to go back to better times under Trump? We know Harris has said she won’t change a thing from the Biden / Harris years, so a vote for her is a vote to continue the “wrong track” policies that ¾ of Americans say they want to get away from.

      Perhaps Americans can do without another 10,000,000+ illegals and the crime, billions in expense, national security risk and social issues they bring? Maybe Americans can’t handle another 20%+ spike in inflation from useless government spending programs and ever-bigger government, especially with the debt crisis ahead?

      Could it be that average Americans know men can’t be women, and don’t want their wives and daughters in the same bathroom or locker room as men? Or their daughters having to compete in sports with men? Or having men in dresses show an unhealthy interest in sexualizing children?

      Maybe we could get by just fine without the constant identity politics that pits one group against another, or that sees some get special treatment based only on the melanin content of their skin? Perhaps we could get a government that doesn’t see racism everywhere, and that protects civil rights of all, including Jews from violent Hamas sympathizers?

      It might be that average Americans don’t want a repeat of foreign disasters, such as losing 13 soldiers, billions of dollars equipment and the respect of our allies in Afghanistan, turning our back on Israel or micro-managing Ukraine’s defense.

      Maybe Americans want a Defense Department focused on military capabilities, not woke social engineering that does nothing for our country’s safety.

      I’d bet average Americans don’t want to defund the police, ignore BLM and Antifa lighting cities on fire or have government use its power to wage “lawfare” and to censor dissenting voices.

      Maybe being lied to about the security of the border, the “successes” in Afghanistan and that Biden is “sharp as a tack” doesn’t sit well with average Americans?

      I’m not a wannabe psychologist, but I would bet on the common sense of average Americans to know that a vote for Trump is not an endorsement of everything he says, but rather is a clear choice of policy and results: better under Trump, worse off under Harris and Biden.

      • You heard the man, don’t listen to anything Trump says. After all, why would Americans want the president of their country to choose their words with care and intention?

        Please instead, just blindly vote based on a broad swath of grievances provided to us by Trump, our infallible leader.

        No need for actionable plans, empathy, or leadership.

        • Choosing words…..funny you bring that up……the democrat candidate cannot seem to choose her own words….she either repeats words that unburden her from what has been, or she reads the words Obama’s team gives her off a teleprompter. 🙂 She is by far the dumbest and least-qualified candidate ever.

          • Oh no! A person that prepares their remarks. How terrible! We can’t have preparedness as an attribute for the president.

          • Biden’s just the representative….the entire democrat party leadership hates anyone who disagrees with them. Biden…Harris….Obama – where all the hate originates. Biden, Harris, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi – they’re all the same. I hope your eyes get opened someday.

            PS – can you name just a few reasons you’re voting FOR Harris…..without mentioning Trump? Think about that. Your hate for one man is so strong it clouds you from being able to make any rational decision.

          • A couple of reasons I am voting for Harris:

            1.) Tax deductions up to $50k for small businesses
            2.) Her past experience as a District Attorney
            3.) Pro choice candidate
            4.) Expansion of Medicare
            5.) Incentives for first time home buyers
            6.) Complete sentences

          • Owl – High Five to you! You are the first progressive to actually answer a question that isn’t just a repeat of “Trump is bad”. I respect that.

            Not that I agree with you that any of your reasons are worthy of a presidential vote. Here’s why.

            1), 4) and 5) – Both candidates will have tremendous opposition to more spending, given we are drowning in debt as a nation already. I am skeptical of any promise for “more” from government without actual economic growth and spending cuts elsewhere.

            1) Worthy of discussion outside of the cost concern above, if it grows businesses (and thus tax revenue) in excess of its budget hit.

            2) Harris’s DA resume is completely irrelevant to her capability to be president, especially considering how she got there in the first place (thanks, Willie Brown). Trump did far more with “The Apprentice”, yet that is also completely irrelevant.

            3) Abortion should not be an issue in this campaign if not for lies by the Harris campaign. I just saw a commercial where she says Trump wants a national ban on abortion. He has clearly said, and the Republican platform says, that abortion is a state issue. It’s democrats and Harris who want to drag the country through their push for national conception-to-birth abortions.

            4) Harris wants to extend Medicare to illegals. That’s what you want? Or do you want a government takeover of healthcare and ban on private health insurance? The first is continuing to prioritize illegals over Americans, the latter has been tried and failed (see Canada and UK). Both are unaffordable.

            5) Harris’s $25,000 for first time home buyers will only drive up demand for homes, and thus prices, without a greater increase in supply of homes. Basic economics. Her claim to build 3,000,000 “affordable homes” is laughable from a government that spent billions to build only 7 EV charging stations in 3+ years.

            6) Not sure that Harris gets credit for this. She has made the term “word salad” synonymous with her attempts to explain anything. But I appreciate those with a command of proper English, so good for her.

            Unfortunately, none of this comes close to over-coming the last 3+ years of Bidenomics, inflation, 10,000,000 illegals, crime, Afghanistan, “Joe’s sharp as a tack” (until he isn’t), defund the police, men can be women, weaponization of the DOJ, and the tax and spend policies that Harris plans to continue.

            Again, I appreciate the insight into why someone would vote for Harris outside of their emotional feelings about Trump. Be well.

          • Happy to converse. A rebuttal to your rebuttal

            1.) America thrives when entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged. Not when large corporations are given handouts and free reign to bully small business out of competition. Also Trump’s across the board tariffs seem VERY irresponsible considering the the cost to consumers and small businesses would no doubt have inflationary pressures as American importers would pass on the higher costs.

            2.) So DA and Senator are elected positions and service to the public is absolutely something voters should take into account when choosing a president. Her time as a DA demonstrates the ability to uphold the law and work within established legal confines. Also “reality tv show host” isn’t the resume builder you think it is.

            3.) Abortion is absolutely an issue in this campaign, and if the republicans lose, it will likely be the reason why. Women have lost a right they have had for 50+ years and you don’t think they’d be pissed off about that?? But keep going with that abortion after birth bs I hear it’s playing well with women.

            4.) I’m mostly talking about expanding medicare benefits to the elderly to cover long-term care and vision/hearing. I don’t see how illegal immigrants would benefit from this? Also yes, I would like to see a single payer healthcare system like EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON EARTH HAS. Also it is a well known fact that America spends more per capita on Healthcare than any other developed nation and our life expectancy is the lowest. Let me know how Trump’s “concept of plan” for healthcare is going.

            5.) Demand for housing is inelastic. It is a requirement, just like healthcare. The $25k is for first generation homebuyers and is very targeted stimulus. The price increases of homes would increase by less than the subsidy amount, thus benefitting the people it is targeted at. Sorry if the boomers have to hold off on buying that second vacation home, but this policy isn’t for them.

            6.) At this point, I’m not sure any trump supporter has actually heard him speak. Dude, he spent time during a campaign event to talk about Arnold Palmers dong. And that’s just the tip (pun intended) of all the weird and plainly ignorant “speeches” he’s given.

            A final point. If republican policies are so much better than democratic policies, why not nominate a person that can deliver and speak to those policies without the thinly veiled racism, hatred and bigotry? Unless you guys like that kind of stuff?

          • Owl – Some clarifications and responses, most necessary because you either missed or distorted what I said.

            1) I said the small business tax credit was “worthy of discussion . . .” if it actually would produce positive results. Tariffs are a tool that all presidents have used, with pros and cons. You note one con, but neglect the pro of not seeing American production capabilities and jobs sent overseas. I’m open to the idea, but want to hear how he’ll handle the downsides.

            2) I said both DA and creator of the #1 tv show for 10 years were irrelevant to the duties of president. But you credit Harris with “upholding the law”? Say what? As in 10,000,000 illegals? Censorship of social media? Or paying off others’ student loans with taxpayer money in defiance of the Supreme Court? What we do know that is relevant is the relative record of successes under Trump, and the inflation, debt, crime, open border, Afghanistan, etc. under Biden / Harris.

            3) Abortion “rights” were made up out of thin air by the Supreme Court, as Ruth Bader Ginsberg admitted. In the context of the number of years (thousands) that no such “right” existed, and the fact that it is not in the Constitution, no I don’t see why abortion has become a sacred rite to democrats. And I mentioned nothing about abortion after birth. I said “conception to birth”, which is the democrat position, but your sensitivity shows there must be something there.

            4) Aside from the fact we can’t afford Medicare now, and you have no way of paying for those expansions (long term care adds trillions to taxpayers), sure, sounds great.

            US life expectancy fell recently due to “COVID-19, drug overdoses, and accidental injury (which) accounted for about two-thirds of the decline in life expectancy, according to the 2022 report” from the National Center for Health Statistics. 10/20/22 “Why life expectancy in the US is falling. COVID-19 and drug overdoses are the biggest contributors.”

            So Kamala’s open border produced the 100,000+ fentanyl deaths we suffer each year, decreasing overall life expectancy in the US.

            5) You have no basis for saying that prices for homes would increase less than $25,000 with 400,000 additional buyers in the market. None. Plus we’ve already seen what blowing trillions into our economy does to inflation and mortgage rates. Either taxes must go up on everyone to pay for this or we continue to spiral into un-repayable national debt.

            6) I don’t want Trump to go off on tangents like he did about Palmer. Not good. I hope he sticks to the issues. And yes, republican policies are far superior to democrats’ policies: just look at the failures of the Biden / Harris years and 70%+ of Americans thinking we’re on the wrong track. Trump was not my choice in the primary, but unlike Harris, he has proven he can and will make things better in America.

            The democrat outrage machine and mainstream media manufacture “racist” labels at an astounding rate. Everything is “racist”- hurled recklessly when you have no logic or facts in a debate. Anything you all don’t like to hear is “hatred”. You see democracy in peril around every corner, yet ignore your own actions to undermine democracy.

      • .02 … you say, “Or could it be that it’s just average Americans who are fed up with the disasters of the last 4 years under democrat policies, and want to go back to better times under Trump?”

        Better times = those times that the President mismanaged a pandemic that killed a million Americans, separated children from their families, lost those children in the bureaucracy, tear-gassed peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square so he could hold a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church, tried to block all Muslims from entering the country, got impeached, got impeached again, had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history, pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden, fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia, bragged about firing the FBI director on TV, diverted military funding to build his wall, caused the longest government shutdown in US history, called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate,” lied nearly 30,000 times, ejected reporters from the White House briefing room who asked tough questions, increased the national debt by nearly $8 trillion, had three of the highest annual trade deficits in U.S. history, called veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers, refused to concede the 2020 election and fomented an insurrection, hired his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to work in the White House, called neo-Nazis “very fine people,” pushed through massive tax cuts for the wealthiest but balked at helping working Americans, colluded with Mitch McConnell to push through federal judges and two Supreme Court justices after supporting efforts to prevent his predecessor from appointing judges, repeatedly called the media “enemies of the people,” claimed that if we tested fewer people for COVID we’d have fewer cases, violated the emoluments clause, called his exceedingly faithful vice president a “p—y” for following the Constitution … I could go on. If that is what you want to go back to … OK.

        If you want for your president a sexual predator, convicted felon, and fascist-leaning con-man and grifter who cares less than zero about you and has repeatedly displayed his own narcissism … OK. I don’t get it, but I believe you.

        Owl … I love this: especially #6! LOL

        1.) Tax deductions up to $50k for small businesses
        2.) Her past experience as a District Attorney
        3.) Pro choice candidate
        4.) Expansion of Medicare
        5.) Incentives for first time home buyers
        6.) Complete sentences

  4. Pres Trump’s former chief of staff reported Pres Trump said he needed “the kind of generals that Hitler had,” and John Kelly (retired Marine general who worked for Trump 2017-2019) further said the former president meets the definition of a fascist, aims to rule as a dictator if elected, and that while in office, Trump suggested that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “did some good things.”

    If you, for some reason, think a veteran and Republican would, for whatever reason, lie about this, just evaluate what you know Pres Trump has said because you’ve seen it reported in the mainstream news, and you will see it very much tallies with Kelly’s report:

    • He advised Christians to vote this one time for him, and they would never have to vote again. If you tell people they never get to vote again after they elect you, you might be a fascist.

    • He said the U.S. military/National Guard should be used against radical leftists in the USA — “the enemy within,” he said, and who do we know for certain he thinks of as an “enemy within”? Adam Schiff, for one, a US representative! If you are a CIC, declaring the enemy within is an elected lawmaker of the other party, and you will use the military to bring him down, you might be a fascist!

    • He’s talking about using the US Military to conduct raids and deportations, to get rid of generals whose politics don’t line up with his, to bring troops from overseas and station them at the southern border, to use the military to respond to civil unrest … If you unleash your country’s military within your borders on your own people, you might be a fascist.

    • He promised to be a dictator on day one — even if you interpret this as “dictator for a day,” he could easily use that day to reinstate the executive order Pres Biden rescinded that would allow him to perfunctorily fire 50K civil servants and replace them with partisan hacks or wack-job conspiracy theorists who think they’re exploding the deep state and go ahead and make himself dictator for life.

    If anyone here is seriously unconcerned that Pres Trump is a threat to democracy with all that in your face, you are either willfully blinding yourself to his own words and actions because you don’t want a black woman president but you cannot admit this to yourself, or you are unable to understand how past words and actions predict future behavior, which is what we see in Trey’s letter here! He is telling a fictional story about J6 because he can’t stand the thought of a Harris-Walz administration. He can’t admit this to himself, so he pretends J6 was the Day of Love Donald Trump says it is.

    Don’t come at me with any “Kamala this and Kamala that.” She hasn’t telegraphed her intentions to overthrow the government, she hasn’t given us a master class in Arnold Palmer’s junk, she hasn’t stood in front of a rally audience and for 39 minutes just swayed to the music of her own playlist as if she were having a seizure, she hasn’t been found guilty of felonies regarding her campaign, she hasn’t been found liable for sexual assault.

    You don’t like her policies? Vote her out in 4 years. You don’t like Trump’s policies? The National Guard will be there soon to root you out as an enemy within. Now which do you prefer?

    • Dear Vjax—Thanks for both attempts to answer the question, “How can anyone who watches and listens to Donald Trump (from Charlottesville to Jan. 6th to this day) support him?”. I have pondered that myself. And alas, I think your comment of the 23rd sheds more light than the previous one. That is to say, voters, including friends and relatives that i love, grasp the fact that Trump is a fascist; and they are willing to welcome him as a dictator. This is the definition of demoralizing.

      Keep the faith my young friend.

      • Thanks Suz! I can still remember the huge sigh of relief and little ray of HOPE when Pres Biden was declared the winner in 2020 … fingers crossed and shake them chicken bones next time it’s a landslide of sanity for Pres Harris.

    • Vjax, required reading is the piece on Michael Flynn and his longtime aide Ivan Raiklin that appeared in USA Today by Josh Meyer on Oct 24, 2024. Flynn and Raiklin are both quite active across the country and their words, deeds and actions serve to remind all Americans just how far polluted the Maga-Republican swamp base of cultists have become; filled with conspirators, liars, and cheats. DJT spoke of a role in his administration for Flynn and likewise the self-anointed Ivan the “Secretary of Retribution” will join him.

  5. #1 thank you to STF, Suz and Doon for your very insightful replies to Trey’s madness.

    #2, Trey, nice to see you here again, but it is heartbreaking to be that you clearly feel Pres Trump is a monster, but you’re forcing yourself to defend him because you cannot stand the thought of a woman of color as president. I truly wish I could give you peace about that, so you could follow your conscience.

    How do I know this is your fear? Just consider if J6 had been a mob of POC instead of white folk, encouraged to riot by Pres Obama. Would you be defending them? Heck no.


    • Jax et al: So, you have nothing positive to say about Harris’s competence. Nothing about Harris’s character. Nothing about Harris’s lies on Biden’s mental decline, Afghanistan or the open border. Nothing about the last 4 years of economic malaise, inflation, the impact of millions of illegals, massive over-spending and over-regulation, increase in crime or national security failures.

      Nothing about Harris’s policies. Nothing about Harris’s incapability to explain those policies without word-salad answers. Nothing about her being more leftist than Socialist Bernie Sanders. Nothing about Harris saying she would do nothing different in the future than the last 4 years if elected (and 4/5 of the US thinks we are on the Wrong Track according to recent polling).

      But once again, all we get is an emotion-based “Trump is bad” as the only reason Harris should get a single vote. And race-baiting. Nothing says desperation like the over-used and thus almost meaningless, “racist!” accusation. See the Progressive Tactics Playbook, page 3, paragraph 5: “If you have nothing positive to say about your policy or candidate, accuse others of acting out of racism.”


      • Penny – You continue to argue irrelevant points. You seem disgusted with the Harris locomotive and point out all of its bugs. You aren’t paying any attention to the Constitutional train tracks. 45 has demonstrated that he will blow up the tracks and promises to be an authoritarian. He makes no secret of this in his speeches, and he has a history in office, in private business, and in sexually abusive activities of playing only by his rules.

        Opposition to 45 has nothing to do with emotion. That is a projection. Support of 45 can only be described by emotion-based fealty because patriotic Americans will not throw out the Constitution just to get a demagogue with a shiny locomotive.

      • Fiction – no, I get it. Harris’s competence and character are irrelevant to you. Her blatant lies about critical issues like Biden’s dementia, Afghanistan and “the border is closed” are irrelevant to you.

        To you, the disasters of the last 4 years are irrelevant. You want us to ignore Bidenomics, the flood of illegals, inflation, over-spending and over-regulation, weaponization of the DOJ, Green New Deal, defund the police, censorship of conservatives, increased crime and failures overseas, etc.

        Harris’s policies are irrelevant – – whatever they are since she flip-flops often – – to you. You are good with our taxes going to pay for student loans and trans surgeries, for illegals to get cash, healthcare, housing, etc ahead of homeless citizens and veterans.

        You believe it’s irrelevant that Harris just announced a policy to use our tax dollars on “1 million fully forgivable loans, up to $20,000, for Black entrepreneurs to start a business”? That’s just blatant racism and buying of votes, but not relevant to you.

        Instead, you are emotion-driven. You base your support for Harris on nothing but your feelings about Trump. Feelings that Trump will “blow up the tracks and promises to be authoritarian” without any factual basis.

        I have consistently stated that all I am voting for is to hire someone to lead and manage the country, not a personality. We have all the above reasons and more to vote to change course from the blunders of Biden / Harris.

        • The argument that none of this matters because President Donald Trump poses “an existential threat to Democracy” is to conclude our system is incapable of managing him, even though it already did once (2016 – 2020). I personally find this rational for voting Biden/Harris ludicrous. Gotta wonder if they still believe Russia is responsible for Trump’s 2016 win.

          • Tch and Penny – Did you sleep through Jan. 6, 2021? Do you ignore what 45 proposes in his daily speeches? I’ve never been a fan of Harris, but she has never attempted to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States.

            Keeping 45 out of office is a clear-headed response to demonstrable facts, not an emotional one. 45’s entire appeal is an emotional grievance campaign. Why would we want to be 1930s Germany? We know how this plays out.

          • STF, I didn’t ignore Jan. 6 at all. In fact, I swore I’d never support Trump again at the time. Then the last 3.5 years happened. FYI, I judge Trump on 2016 – 2020, not his speeches.

          • Gotta ask STF, do you truly believe a 2nd Trump term is “an existential threat” to our Republic? If yes, how so specifically, legally, not rhetorically.

          • Good morning Tch. 45 is a LITERAL threat to our Constitutional republic. He has demonstrated in actions his unwillingness to accept election results, and he watched excitedly while his acolytes attempted a violent overthrow of our government. He promises every day to do worse if given a second term, and I believe him.

          • 45’s lawlessness is the most pressing issue two weeks before the election, but that is not the only one. America needs the sane Republican party back. This once proud bastion of conservative ideals has been hijacked by a national populists cult headed a demigod. If 45 is defeated once again, perhaps the Republicans can recover sanity.

            Reagan Republicans once championed free trade, global alliances with NATO and other friendly countries, immigration reform, personal freedom from government interference into personal daily activities (like reproduction), fealty to the country over party, law and order from their leaders, etc. Remember, in 1974, the Republicans in the Senate would not excuse unconstitutional behavior from President Nixon, and they stood firm.

            We need that conservative party back again, and ensuring that 45 and Vance are stopped now might finally crush this aberration that masquerades as a once proud political party. If 45 can’t win and Harris is truly a poor chief executive, maybe Republicans will return to their senses and abandon demigods for true conservatives.

            There is a lot at stake here, not merely the next four years.

          • And the easy response to that is, you wouldn’t have to worry about it if a “sane” Democrat was the nominee . . . . . . . .

          • Just interested – Do you see any path for the Republican party to return to sanity apart from vanquishing 45? The Democrats are always all over the place in reasonable and ridiculous policies, so I doubt that will ever change.

          • We agree that 45 leaving the scene will give the Republican Party a chance to recover sanity. I think every conservative that has weaned from Fox propaganda joins you in that sentiment. I just want his exit to be sooner and you are willing to tolerate him longer.

            Thank you for your reply.

      • My.02—et al here! And happy to stand with Vjax, Doon, and faithful STF.

        Umm…bit confused, me. You open your comment with, “So you have nothing positive to say about Harris’s competence…character…lies…”. Why would I, since the conversation was about the events of Jan. 6th? A violent attempt to overthrow a free election (or as Donald Trump recently called it–“a day of love”).

        Nothing that occurred in the Biden/Harris administration (whether you approve or not) negates the failed attempt.

        The lawn signs that so offend the letter writer are simply to remind us of what happened; and how easily it can happen again. And worse, from an unrepentant Trump.

        Speaking only for myself, I reject your accusation that the only reason for supporting Harris is an emotion based opinion that “Trump is bad”. It is not my place to judge anyone to be good or bad. But I can (and do) judge Trump to be a bad leader and president. In all of the ways that matter to me.

        You call it emotional. I call it who I am. The Old Testament prophet says it best–do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.

        Perhaps our vote says as much about us than about the candidate. I’m with Kamala Harris!

        • Thanks Suz. Apparently, 45 supporters are so immersed in Fox propaganda and revisionist history that they will not see his flaws, or they drastically minimize his threat. Penny and others continually castigate opponents as emotionally swayed voters when a clear-eyed view of 45’s past behavior and current promises need no emotion to judge its danger.

          If any side is basing their choice on emotion, it is clearly the eternally aggrieved minority who feeds daily on Fox-induced threats of dystopia.

          To passion influenced partisans, I guess saying something repeatedly somehow makes it so for them. Goebbels would approve.

          • The only threat from Trump is to the globalists and those who want to destroy America…..that’s why they’ve tried twice to k!ll him. STF – you know absolutely nothing about Trump supporters. If you did, you’d realize that most of them are not ardent Fox fans and instead they have the ability to think for themselves and look at cases from multiple sides and make the decision / choice that seems right……which is why so many conservatives voiced skepticism and doubt about the Covid jabs, and it turns out they were right. You don’t see the same kind of wisdom and discernment on your side – all you see are emotional, short-fused crazies that willingly repeat the talking points handed down to them from their god – the mainstream “media”.

            How about you – you want to answer the question “what is a woman” since VJJ uses that term but can’t seem to define it?

          • Also – it’s the leader of the Democrat party – Joe Biden – that openly is calling for Trump to be locked up. I’d call that a pretty good threat, wouldn’t you?

          • Hi Wing – We just disagree. We both see dire threats coming from different directions. I hope we both are wrong in our threat assessments. We have much more in common as Americans than differences, and hopefully after this election, we can focus on those commonalities.

          • Hi Wing – Obviously we disagree about the presidential candidates, but it seems clear that we are both more frightened of the consequences of electing one candidate than we are excited about the prospects of electing the other.

            I hope we are both wrong about these negative consequences because I doubt that either one of us will expatriate if our feared candidate prevails.

            Perhaps after early November we can get back to recognizing how many things we have in common as Americans. That will be welcomed.

          • STF – I’m not frightened – I know who’s in control and it’s not Trump or Obama (can we at least agree that Biden and Harris aren’t making decisions – it’s Obama and Soros)? And I’m voting FOR Trump, not against Kamalabama. I’m for pro-American policies, I’m for not embezzeling our money through Ukraine, I’m for taking care of Americans first and not taking care of illegals and Ukranian politicians. I’m for the protection of life of all people, born and unborn. I’m for lower inflation and lower taxes. I’m for a smaller central government and i’m for eliminating unnecessary government departments. I’m for an unbiased, non-political FBI, CIA, DOJ, instead of the partisan mess we have now. I’m for America first – because WE are the shining light on the hill, not Canada or China or Ukraine or Africa. The USA is the greatest country the world has ever known – and I’m FOR preserving our country and i’m against the radical hate that the Obama-led left is shoving down our country’s throats.

          • Then I will try again. I hope I am wrong about the consequences if the candidate you are excited about wins, and I hope you are wrong about the consequences if the candidate for whom I will reluctantly vote wins. And I hope we can see our commonalities much clearer than our differences after this election is settled.

          • STF – I’m just going off past history. During Trump’s 4 years, we had no new overseas wars, we didn’t take any cr@p from Iran, we had low inflation, we worked on securing the border, and we put Americans first. We also took the federal government out of the abortion debate and returned that decision to the states, where it belongs. During Obama’s 8 years and Biden’s 4 years (lumping them all together because it’s essentially the same regime and Kamalabama will be 4 more years of the same) we had a weak American influence overseas, we had new wars in Ukraine, we had unchecked inflation, we had a political justice system who actively prosecuted Republicans (and now even a Democrat – Mayor Adams – for daring to go against the Democrat system), and we had the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world in the endless Ukraine funds, a portion of which comes right back to Hunter and the “big guy”.

            To me – the decision is easy. 2016-2020 were far better years, more peaceful years, and more prosperous years for America as a whole than the divisive rhtetoric years of the Obama/Biden regime.

    • Lol….VJ…..right out of the good ol Marxist playbook……insult them and call them names if you can’t win an argument. “Can’t stand to see a woman of color”…..laughable. There’s been notable “women of color” (your words…..we don’t call them “of color” – we just call them women) that haver EARNED their positions in the government recently: Winsome Sears, Condoleezza Rice, and Mia Love are 3 that come to mind. And yes, they earned it…..they won elections, they didn’t get appointed to their positions and didn’t sleep with people to gain favors and gain political power. And they’re all well-educated, well-spoken, bright and intelligent women who have leadership ability.

      The problem isn’t that Kamala is a “woman of color”. The problem is – she’s an imbecile. She’s accomplished absolutely nothing. She was placed in charge of the border (yes, she was the Border Czar) and went near the border once during her time as VP. She can’t answer a question with any sort of a well-thought out answer without reading it off the teleprompter. She promises to fix tomorrow what she’s had 3.5 years to do something about in the past. And she has no interest in leaving this country better than she found it because she has no one to leave it to.

      Skin color is the least of her concerns.

      PS – since you brought up her being a “woman of color”…….can I ask….what is a woman?

      • Wing, you say that Vice President Harris has accomplished nothing. To be fair, name some great achievements that past vice presidents have accomplished. During my 64 years of life, it’s been my experience that the vice president is little more than a yes person to the president and does their bidding. The vice president is rarely commended for much of anything. Yet, if you happen to listen to the vice president debate between Vance and Walz you would have thought that Harris was coming to the end of her first term as president. In fact, he went as far as to call it “the Harris/Biden administration”, trying to send subliminal messages.
        Finally, your comment about her, not caring about the nation because she has no biological children is just ridiculous and beneath you. Try to be better.

        • My comment was not beneath me – it was accurate. She has no reason to leave the country in a better place – she has no descendants, no children, no grandchildren to worry about. Show me one person – just one – who has ever served unselfishly with a passion for leaving something better than they found it when they weren’t leaving it behind to someone. She has ZERO reason to worry about the country’s future. Her lineage dies with her. All she does is make promises to do the things that she should’ve gotten done in the past 3,”.5 years when she was the 2nd most powerful person and likely more mentally competent (which isn’t saying much) than our president. PS – where has he been hiding lately?

          Harris is a schill. She’s a hired body to do the will of Osaka and Soros and to continue the radical transformation of this country that Obama and Biden started in 2008.

          As for VP accomplishments? Pence at least was an accomplished governor. Gore managed to win several elections for House and Senate and has been a successful businessman, scamming people out of millions with his change hoax lies. Quayle – skip. HW Bush – meh. Biden- didn’t accomplish anything off the government teat.

          Kamala and was put in charge of the border and didn’t do diddly about it. Sorry. Let me correct myself / she made the problem worse.

          PS – Kamalabama didn’t even work at McDonalds. McDonald’s Corp came out and said they have no records and no individual has come forward to claim they worked with her. Kinda sus, wouldn’t you say?

          Kamalabama is the single worst candidate since Dukakis and only slightly better than McCain and Romney. She is Dumb with a capital D…..why else would Obama be hiding her from press conferences and from interviews without teleprompters. Obama appointed her thinking Americans would fall for the white guilt trap again – and not even black men are voting for her. It’s hilarious!

      • Hometown – It is Harris who has repeatedly stated that she was “the last person in the room” when big decisions were made. This includes, incredibly, the disastrous Afghanistan display of weakness abroad that put the Taliban back in power, subjugated millions of women, left behind American citizens and Afghans working for the US, abandoned Bagram military base and $80,000,000,000 in military equipment and, worst of all, got 13 American soldiers killed. Politico 4/25/21 “Harris says she had key role in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision”.

        Harris also cannot think of a single decision she would have made differently than Biden. So she owns the Biden / Harris record.

        Biden himself said Harris had a hand in “everything from foreign policy to domestic policy”. YahooNews 9/26/24 “Biden says Harris handled ‘everything from foreign policy to domestic policy’ under his administration“.

        Biden also said “There wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do,” noting that this applied to both foreign and domestic matters. Washington Digest 9/26/24 “Biden Says He Delegated ‘All Responsibilities’ to Harris, Sparking Debate Over Leadership”

        Someone had to be making decisions for Biden due to his dementia, and it might well have been Harris.

        Harris was also given a portfolio of direct responsibilities to lead, one of which was “curbing the current flow of migrants” to the US border. “Biden tasks Harris with ‘stemming the migration’ on southern border” NBC News 3/24/21. We all know the increased crime, national security and terrorism threat, sex trafficking, social issues and billions in taxpayer expense that the 10,000,000+ illegals who came through her open border failure has caused.

        Are you arguing that we did not just experience almost 4 years of the Biden / Harris administration? That’s not subliminal, that’s just a fact that there are two names on the ticket for each party.

        You ignored all of Wing’s facts, logic and questions about Harris, even the one that should be the simplest. Based on your 64 years of gathering wisdom, could you at least bail Harris out on this: what is a woman?

          • Hometown – No pivot, no dancing around the truth, I just flat out refuted your claim that VP Kamala was just a “yes person”. What any previous VP did or didn’t do is completely irrelevant to Harris’s role.

            A “yes person” VP is certainly not what Kamala claims on the election trail, the media touted her key role on “curbing the current flow of migrants”, and Biden just a month ago confirmed Harris handled ‘everything from foreign policy to domestic policy’ under his administration“.

            Receipts provided.

            So really, could you or any of the other regular left-wing progressives who regularly bloviate based on emotions and juvenile taunts here just answer one of the multitude of questions I (and others) asked? I much prefer debate based on facts and logic.

            It must be hard to be 64 and still not know what a woman is.

      • the_wing_t (per your Oct. 23 comment “I’m not frightened”)—With all due respect, you certainly sound frightened. And the thing about fear is, it makes for bad decisions. We circle our proverbial wagons, protecting ourselves, convinced we are under attack from the marauding “others”.

        The refugees at our border, desperate for a chance to live a safe life. Immigrants already living among us, as our neighbors. We can fix our broken system with compassionate laws and enforcement.

        We can respect women and insure their freedom and privacy to make healthcare choices.

        We can dignify LGBTQ+ people with full equality.

        We can stop racial profiling in law enforcement and demand accountability for police brutality.

        We can be relied upon, when other countries need our aid. We don’t turn our back on Ukraine; nor avert our eyes from the atrocities and war crimes in Israel/Gaza (or anywhere).

        And nothing on this short list says we have to neglect our problems here at home. As you say, the USA is a great country, that shining city on the hill–so for Christ’s sake, let’s be it! If we stand together, undivided, we can stop being frightened and accomplish anything. Even the seemingly impossible.

        A realization of one shared humanity is the beginning of being truly great. No exceptions.

        • Suz. I don’t think you will see one shared humanity, or even common purpose, until you see a great tragedy. 9/11 came closer than anything I’ve seen since the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” Tragedy is one thing that brings people together.

        • 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯 Yass Queen! 👑

          Thank you, Suz! This thread had gone on so long, I wasn’t sure it was possible to answer everyone, but no need to. You just defended the USA I believe we can be, but won’t be if we willingly elect a fascist/authoritarian.

          I did want to quote this bit from TheWingT:
          “I know who’s in control and it’s not Trump or Obama (can we at least agree that Biden and Harris aren’t making decisions – it’s Obama and Soros)?”

          What does this even mean? President Obama has been out of office now for years, and George Soros definitely isn’t making decisions for the USA?

          I think I kind of get where Wing is coming from now, and it’s not a place I can go with them — and this makes sense why we are always at cross-purposes: we are starting from two completely different realities.

          In TheWing’s reality, George Soros is the Jewish supervillain at the head of a cabal of “globalists” seeking to destroy American sovereignty (a popular Q-Anon Conspiracy!). In my reality, George Soros is a Holocaust survivor who fled communism and became one of the single largest funders of democracy promotion, anti-Communism and liberal education in the world.

          There’s a whole host of differences between the two realities that aren’t Soros-focused, but his name was the skeleton key that unlocked this mystery.

          It’s a classic case of people speaking 2 different languages — of course, they never can understand one another. At least now I understand WHY we can’t. It’s cool, Wing. Don’t try to make sense of me. I don’t live in the same world you do.

          • Thanks, sweet and kind Vjax.

            IMO until the common language of our beautifully diverse nation is Love. those fluent in Fear only hear gibberish. I get that a lot–emotional gibberish.

            Still, let us continue speaking Love. There is no better way to communicate. And no discourse more needed.

            (Nor let us neglect shaking them chicken bones! Love that!).

          • Jax – do you HONESTLY think Joe Biden has the cognitive ability to make any sort of decision other than what flavor of ice cream he’s going to eat? The man is a shell of his formerly mentally sharp self. He can’t speak. He gets confused at the drop of a hat. He’s barely a step ahead of Mitch McConnell freezing up at the podium last year.

            As far as Obama – I’m 100% correct that he’s calling all the shots. Why else would he battle and campaign and attack like he’s been doing? Because Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and the rest of the dem’s are useful idiots taking their direction from him – just like Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Mike Johnson, and the establishment republicans are taking their orders from a party lord. No one is honest and speaks from the heart in DC…..except Trump, who has enough “FU” money to not be beholden to the wealthy financiers and party lords. Obama is in cahoots lockstep with Soros, WEF, Gates, and the rest of the goons trying to destroy America’s individual identity and turn us into a member of a one-world style government. If you don’t see it already, you won’t see it until it’s too late. Nothing Obama does is America-first, it’s WEF-first and world-first.

            And the ultimate in control is God – which is where our rights come from, not from government like Kamala and the dem’s would like you to believe.

            PS – have any of you figured out what a woman is yet? Is Kamala a woman? Maybe Trump is a woman?

        • The refugees at our border, desperate for a chance to live a safe life. Immigrants already living among us, as our neighbors. We can fix our broken system with compassionate laws and enforcement. ***Dems had a chance the past 4 years to fix this….did absolutely nothing except make the problem worse.

          We can respect women and insure their freedom and privacy to make healthcare choices. ***Abortion rights are now a state issue, where they belong. And tell me how killing an unborn baby is “healthcare” to that child. When does the baby’s right to healthcare begin?

          We can dignify LGBTQ+ people with full equality. ***LGBTQ have all the same rights as anyone else, including the right to marry. You do NOT, however, have the right to force your whackadoodle perverse choices on the rest of us. You don’t get to pick your gender or force boys who think they’re girls to be allowed to use girls restrooms or play girls in sports. Your rights end when you force the rest of us to accept your perversity.

          We can stop racial profiling in law enforcement and demand accountability for police brutality. ***Prove to me racial profiling exists. How about demanding accountabilty for criminal brutality

          We can be relied upon, when other countries need our aid. We don’t turn our back on Ukraine; nor avert our eyes from the atrocities and war crimes in Israel/Gaza (or anywhere). ***Ukraine is one big money-grabbing laundering scam. If you can’t recognize the money flows there and some of it back to “the big guy” and his oil expert son Hunter, and most of it flows to defense contractors and then back to the swamp (D and R) that vote for it – then you’re blind.

          And nothing on this short list says we have to neglect our problems here at home. As you say, the USA is a great country, that shining city on the hill–so for Christ’s sake, let’s be it! If we stand together, undivided, we can stop being frightened and accomplish anything. Even the seemingly impossible. ***We were fairly united until Obama took office. The division in our country started with him and the people behind him – Schwab, Soros, the WEF, etc.

          A realization of one shared humanity is the beginning of being truly great. No exceptions. ***The beginning of being truly great is the realization that we are the greatest country that has ever existed, and that comes from our founding fathers, their vision, the founding documents they gave us, and the reason they fought for independence in the first place. Perfect? No. But we fought to end slavery. We saved the world twice from communism and oppression. We’re far from perfect but no nation has ever done more to spread freedom and prosperity around the world and asked nothing in return than ours.

          • Wow, the_wing_t. You and I envision two completely different views on what our country is, and how it should be.

            I still maintain that yours is based in fear. Your “shining city on the hill” sounds more like a walled fortress. A tarnished compound.

            Frankly, it breaks my heart. But does not diminish my hope. Nor shake my confidence in humanity.

          • Suz – how many illegals are you letting stay with you in your home? I’m also assuming you lock your doors at night……why?

  6. I assumed Biden/Harris would govern from the center. I was wrong; Biden/Harris are NOT a status quo worth preserving:

    1) Afghanistan – completely botched withdrawal, no admission of fault or guilt

    2) Border Crisis – Biden/Harris repealed all of Trump’s working border security orders. Over 10 million migrants, equivalent to the population of New Jersey, have entered the country illegally under Biden/Harris. Further, my coworker has lost two sons to the drug fentanyl, the proliferation of which is a direct result of lax border policy due to cross-border trafficking. Lastly, human sex trafficking is very real in our country, and a porous border is a major contributor.

    3) Ukraine/Israel Wars – both occurred exclusively on Biden/Harris’ watch

    4) Inflation – On March 2021 Biden signed into law the 1.9 Trillion Covid Stimulus “American Rescue Plan” with no Republican support. Former Clinton Sec. of the Treasury and Obama advisor Larry Summers warned the amount of spending would trigger inflation. Biden and Democrats moved ahead anyway. Later, Democrats passed the “Inflation Reduction Act”, again with no Republican support, shoveling another $891 Billion into the economy, exacerbating inflation further. The American Dream of home ownership is becoming more fleeting for younger Americans, and our national debt is becoming unmanageable.

    We already had 4 years of Trump, and it was a hell of a lot better than the last four years under Biden/Harris. If you cannot bring yourself to vote for Trump, please consider not voting for president and skip that part of the ballot. Doing so will indicated that you voted but didn’t vote for president, serving as a protest vote.

    • 1) A botched withdrawal made difficult from the agreement in Feb ’20 that Trump made with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar. This undercut the US-backed government which collapsed shortly thereafter. The actual withdrawal was sped up and overseen by our military.

      2) A border crisis as a result of Trump not getting Mexico to pay for the wall as he claimed he would do in his campaign promises of 2019. Trump did little at the border over four years except to exasperate the problem without any clear solutions.

      3) The Russo – Ukrainian War started in 2014 with the invasion of Crimea. In 2016 along the border of Ukraine & Crimea, Trump saw the Russian military build-up as just “military exercises.” The start of the Israel war was under the Biden / Harris watch? Eh gads, there’s no concept of any history with Trumpster-fire fans.

      4) Inflation started soon after the economic shutdown (Trump watch). You see when you restart things rapidly, and demand is sky high and exceeds supply, the economy speeds too fast and over-heats. A chief way to cool things is to raise interest rates in order to curb consumer spending. A chief economic indicator is GDP and during Trump’s last two years it was a disaster. His first two years (to be fair) was no different than Obama’s.

      The four (4) years of Trump’s leadership were indeed hell. A foreign enemy (Pandemic) approached our borders from all sides, and he did little at the onset to lead, guide and to protect. Very much similar to the above scenarios. Given another try (leadership), he will no doubt wreck the economy once again. His business judgement and personal tendencies are to default to bankruptcies. But the main concern is his wanting desire of an authoritarian, dictatorship control over all things in place that provides checks and balances within our government. And Tchr1, class dismissed. You may go and vote as you please.

      • I am very aware Biden/Harris are not solely responsible for ALL events that occur on their watches, but it does not matter. We can pinpoint exact causes and effects attributed to this administration, and to get into an explanation that spreads blame around is mostly moot after the last 4 years. The argument that none of this matters because President Donald Trump poses “an existential threat to Democracy” is to conclude our system is incapable of managing him, even though it already did once (2016 – 2020). I personally find this rational for voting Biden/Harris ludicrous.

      • Doon – Some necessary corrections to your misleading (I’m being nice) attempt at finding something – – anything – – to convince yourself that Trump is bad.

        1) Afghanistan – yes, Trump got the ball rolling on getting US troops out of primary responsibility for Afghanistan’s stability as part of his promise to end our “forever wars”. However, it was conditions-based, and would have resulted in our keeping the strategic Bagram airbase and a garrison with our allies to deter ISIS / Taliban. Biden and Harris could have followed that plan, or even stopped the process, but they didn’t.

        You also left out that Biden / Harris disregarded Taliban violations of the conditions, disregarded the advice of their generals and our allies, and accelerated the pullout for a political “win” on 9/11. The result was the disastrous display of weakness that put the Taliban back in power, subjugated millions of women, left behind American citizens and Afghans working for the US, abandoned Bagram and $80,000,000,000 in military equipment and, worst of all, got 13 American soldiers killed.

        2) Trump may not have gotten Mexico to directly fund the border wall, but 458 miles of border did get built despite opposition from democrats. Mexico did agree to the “remain in Mexico” policy that slashed illegal crossings to new lows under Trump. But Biden / Harris issued dozens of executive orders that reversed Trump’s border success, including an end to “remain in Mexico”, which opened the border to 10,000,000,000+ illegals, including over 13,000 known convicted murderers, in the last 4 years.

        3) Russia took Crimea from Ukraine under Obama, not Trump. Russia invaded Ukraine a second time under Biden / Harris, not Trump. Biden opened the door for Putin when he said, “My guess is that he (Putin) will move in (to Ukraine). He has to do something. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do”. “Biden’s ‘minor incursion’ comment roils diplomatic efforts to halt Russian invasion of Ukraine” Los Angeles Times 1/20/22

        Harris was brilliant in her assessment of the situation: “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.” (Kamala Harris, March 2022) Yikes!

        4) The text book definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. While some additional federal support under Trump was necessary to deal with the immediate impact of COVID, Biden / Harris blew trillions more into the economy and caused inflation to spike over 9% in a month and over 20% in their term.

        You may have also forgotten that Trump quickly ended flights into the US from China and other countries at the onset of COVID, before much was known about the virus. Democrats screamed – – you guessed it – – racism. And once travel was safe at the end of Trump’s term, he lifted most of the restrictions, which then-President-elect Biden promised to reverse. “Trump moves to lift some Covid-19-related travel restrictions, but Biden plans to block the order” CNN 1/18/21

        Last, what evidence do you have for your claim that Trump wants “an authoritarian, dictatorship control over all things . . .”? There’s proof for Harris supporting the payoff of others’ student loans by taxpayers despite a ruling by the Supreme Court to the contrary, to defund the police, the lawfare against her political opponent, to end the filibuster and the Electoral College, and to pack the Supreme Court.

        Harris has also disregarded her duty to enforce the law at the border, and to ensure the civil rights of Jews. She also just announced a policy to use our tax dollars on “1 million fully forgivable loans, up to $20,000, for Black entrepreneurs to start a business”, and on “legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry”, among others. Just more “free money” giveaways to buy votes in clear violation of non-discrimination laws.

        At least you’ve moved on from the Hilary Clinton-sponsored “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax, so you have that going for you.

      • Doon – Some necessary corrections to your misleading (I’m being nice) attempt at finding something – – anything – – to convince yourself that Trump is bad. Instead, it highlights the incompetence of Biden / Harris.

        1) Afghanistan – yes, Trump got the ball rolling on getting US troops out of primary responsibility for Afghanistan’s stability as part of his promise to end our “forever wars”. However, it was conditions-based, and would have resulted in our keeping the strategic Bagram airbase and a garrison with our allies to deter ISIS / Taliban. Biden and Harris could have followed that plan, or even stopped the process, but they didn’t.

        You also left out that Biden / Harris disregarded Taliban violations of the conditions, disregarded the advice of their generals and our allies, and accelerated the pullout for a political “win” on 9/11. The result was the disastrous display of weakness that put the Taliban back in power, subjugated millions of women, left behind American citizens and Afghans working for the US, abandoned Bagram and $80,000,000,000 in military equipment and, worst of all, got 13 American soldiers killed.

        2) Trump may not have gotten Mexico to directly fund the border wall, but 458 miles of border did get built despite opposition from democrats. Mexico did agree to the “remain in Mexico” policy that slashed illegal crossings to new lows under Trump. But Biden / Harris issued dozens of executive orders that reversed Trump’s border success, including an end to “remain in Mexico”, which opened the border to 10,000,000,000+ illegals, including over 13,000 known convicted murderers, in the last 4 years.

        3) Russia took Crimea from Ukraine under Obama, not Trump. Russia invaded Ukraine a second time under Biden / Harris, not Trump. Biden opened the door for Putin when he said, “My guess is that he (Putin) will move in (to Ukraine). He has to do something. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do”. “Biden’s ‘minor incursion’ comment roils diplomatic efforts to halt Russian invasion of Ukraine” Los Angeles Times 1/20/22

        Harris was brilliant in her assessment of the situation: “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.” (Kamala Harris, March 2022) Yikes!

        4) The text book definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. While some additional federal support under Trump was necessary to deal with the immediate impact of COVID, Biden / Harris blew trillions more into the economy and caused inflation to spike over 9% in a month and over 20% in their term.

        You may have also forgotten that Trump quickly ended flights into the US from China and other countries at the onset of COVID, before much was known about the virus. Democrats screamed – – you guessed it – – racism. And once travel was safe at the end of Trump’s term, he lifted most of the restrictions, which then-President-elect Biden promised to reverse. “Trump moves to lift some Covid-19-related travel restrictions, but Biden plans to block the order” CNN 1/18/21

        Last, what evidence do you have for your (and Fiction, Suz, et al) claim that Trump wants “an authoritarian, dictatorship control over all things . . .”? There’s proof for Harris supporting the payoff of others’ student loans by taxpayers despite a ruling by the Supreme Court to the contrary, to defund the police, the lawfare against her political opponent, to end the filibuster and the Electoral College, and to pack the Supreme Court.

        Harris has also disregarded her duty to enforce the law at the border, and to ensure the civil rights of Jews. She also just announced a policy to use our tax dollars on “1 million fully forgivable loans, up to $20,000, for Black entrepreneurs to start a business”, and on “legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry”, among others. Just more “free money” giveaways to buy votes in clear violation of non-discrimination laws.

        At least you’ve moved on from the Hilary Clinton-sponsored “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax, so you have that going for you.

  7. Hello Trey—I am baffled as to why Trump supporters feel the need to white-wash his actions, to the point of re-writing history ( as you do with the insurrection). I assume that decent people (such as yourself) do so in an attempt to silence the voice within, telling them that Trump’s words, deeds, and policies are routinely abhorrent…and face the fact that it doesn’t matter to them.

    You cannot explain away Donald Trump’s repugnant and vindictive positions. Nor should they be defended .

    If it makes you feel better, Trey, get a lawn sign for yourself–“The attacks on our capital…I just don’t care.!”
    At least it’s the truth.

    • Suz – I, too, wish the MAGA supporters would be honest enough to freely admit that exacting hate upon a scapegoated minority or putting a few more dollars in their pockets is more important to them than to live in a free, democratic republic. It is so much more trouble to, as you say, revise history than merely to admit their embrace of a white, male autocrat who promises to avenge their tribe for every imagined grievance and place women in subservience. If fealty to the autocrat requires denying results and attempting to overturn elections, they see it as a small price for returning our country to an idealized vision of the 1950s that never really existed.

      That price is far too high for anyone who can read a history book.

      • STF – Which scapegoated minority are you saying we exact our hate on? Us MAGA folk – you know us – we’re so hateful we hate anyone who isn’t white and male so you gotta spell it out for us dumb honkeys…clinging to our God and our guns makes us kinda dum.

        PS – what’s a male? Is that like a man? What is a man? What is a woman? Maybe you sophisticated smart folks should figure that out first before you try to win an election.

  8. Trey asks halfway through his opinion piece, “Are they guilty of trying to overthrow our democracy in a real and significant way?” To which he claims an emphatic, no. Well Trey they illegally entered the Capitol building during a joint session of the US Congress with the distinct goal of stopping the national election process of electoral certification counting.

    Additionally, they chanted, making it very clear that they came not as peaceful citizens, but they wanted to kill the Vice-President of the United States for attempting to fulfill his Constitutional duty. Constructed gallows on the Capitol grounds supported their intentions and fueled their desire. This easily qualifies for “overthrowing our democracy in a real and significant way” in any legal language or definition you wish to choose. Therefore, there’s no need to continue reading on of this opinion piece you put forth Trey. It’s garbage to the point of laughable.

  9. Since Trey brings up 1930s Germany, let’s consider the historical record. The country felt humiliated after losing WWI, and an authoritarian leader who was an unrepentant convicted felon promised to make Germany great again. He ran on a platform of grievance and attained power without capturing the majority in elections. He delegitimized the core democratic institutions, labeled any source that opposed him as “fake news,” and created his own propaganda outlet that never criticized any of his actions. He demonized his white opponents as Marxists (regardless of their allegiance to capitalism), and he scapegoated a minority group for all of Germany’s ills. He referred to them as “vermin” who were “poisoning the blood of our country.” He promised to dispose of these undesirables and asked his followers to trust him because he, alone, could restore order at any cost. His followers accepted political violence and either minimized or made excuses for his excesses in speech and cruelty.

    Fortunately, Americans can read history so we don’t have to repeat it. I’m so pleased that my country can never be deceived by such a candidate, aren’t you?

      • Jax – the American people ARE waking up. That’s why Trump and the Republicans are winning and are going to demolish Harris in this election. And you can’t blame it on white men. Hispanics and black men are supporting Trump at never seen before levels. Maybe they’re racist too?

        Only upper class unmarried white women and black women seem to be clinging to their god – the Democrat party.

        PS – what is a woman, Jax?