Early in-person voting for the presidential election begins October 16th.
When all is said and done and we pause before the touch-screen ballot, it seems to me the choice has come down to this — fear, division, and heartlessness or faith, hope, and charity.
Thankfully, St. Paul assures us which abides.
It is time to be the people we profess to be.
We can do this.
Suzanne Sports
Peachtree City, Ga.
If I was a betting man, I’d wager your christ might have the opposite opinion of yours when it comes to welcoming immigrants (legal or illegal). I’m quite sure he wouldn’t be bothered to make a distinction before helping them.
Nobody is forcing you to celebrate gay pride month dude. You won’t go to jail for not calling someone by their preferred pronoun. Stop being weird about this stuff.
Sources for LGBTQ people mutilating teens and grooming them? I can only find sources of churches doing that.
owl_nation12 Thank you for your response to MyCat! It made me smile–not just the content, but your style! “Stop being weird about this stuff.”! Perfect.
Owl – Unless you believe the US can and will move to a religious state, which it won’t, you bring up a false premise. We are a nation of laws. Illegal means illegal. Harris / Biden opened our border to 10,000,000+ illegals who are costing us billions in expense, creating social issues, committing crimes, smuggling fentanyl and sex trafficking.
My employer and many others have bought into the DEI rot, and we are forced to be part of gay pride month and to put our pronouns into our email so others can use the “right” pronoun. The “weird” is that one group can force this on others against traditional American values.
As far as LGBTQ grooming children, I would point you to this: “Drag queens are deliberately “grooming” the next generation to accept LGBT ideology when they read to children in public libraries at drag queen “story hour” events, a U.S. drag queen admitted.” Lifesitenews 11/27/18 “Watch drag queen admits he’s grooming children at story hour events”
We also have other efforts to sexualize kids and normalize the LGBTQ agenda: gay lifestyle books in school libraries, 52(?) genders, girls having to share locker rooms and compete in sports against biological men, tampons in boys’ bathrooms (thanks Tim Walz), wives and mothers having to worry about men in their bathrooms and store changing rooms, women housed with men in prisons, and states (eg Washington) legalizing the removal of kids from their parents if the parents do not go along with trans’ing their child are some examples.
It’s not weird to want to protect children from cross-dressing men who want to instill adult sexual values that many do not subscribe to, or to shield our wives and daughters from men invading their spaces. Not long ago, this was considered common sense.
Excellent biblical Trump endorsement. Thank you!!
Suzanne – I’m surprised that you are quoting the outdated writing of St. Paul from One Corinthians 13. Don’t you know that the New Testament has been rewritten by the MAGA evangelicals. I especially like their new rendition of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, correcting Jesus’ shameful commands to be civil. Here’s verse 44 from the orange version of the King James:
“But I say unto you, hate your enemies, ridicule those that oppose you and call them inflammatory names, destroy those that hate you, and get even with them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”
I’m sure we’ll all be contemplating this long-needed revision of Jesus’ words as we touch that ballot screen.
Truth is always stranger than fiction.
But wait! What if I profess to be a hateful bigot who wants to keep outsiders OUT, give government control of women’s bodies, and force LGBTQ people back into the closet — but I am a Christian who loves Jesus? Who am I supposed to vote for? Please be more explicit Ms Sports!
Jax – But wait! What if I am someone who loves God and America, believes in the rule of law and welcomes those who immigrate LEGALLY, who protects babies that don’t have a voice from preventable death, and doesn’t give a rip what LGBTQ people do as long as they don’t force me to “celebrate” their life choice, use their 52 pronouns, or to support grooming kids and mutilating teens in the name of “gender affirmation” (aka sex change)? You would vote for Trump.
There. Fixed it for you.
One other thing: I’ve noticed that the woke progressives who demand others to embrace every oddity and social contagion, to deny their deeply-held beliefs, to support non-citizens over citizens, and to accept psychological issues as normal, are wildly intolerant of the morals and values of traditional Americans.
MyCatBill—Far from fixing Jax’s tongue-in-cheek comment, I think you simply tried to make it more palatable. Oh, you garnished it with a healthy sprig of White Christian Nationalism, but it’s still the same unsavory dish.
If Trump/Vance suit your taste, order a heaping helping on November 5th. Just don’t have the audacity to say grace before you dig in.
One other thing: As a woke progressive, I suppose I should be insulted by your description…but the more I read it, I am oddly proud. And as an orthodox Christian, I suspect the Universal Christ would feel the same as I do. So thank you.