Fayette awards $255K contract with no bidding as a ‘good thing’


It’s okay to ignore the rules and policies if the Fayette County Commissioners choose.

Watching what played out at the Board of Commissioners meeting on August 8, 2024, when new business item #8 came before them, may foreshadow a wealth of non-transparent actions still waiting for discovery by citizens.

Mr. Maxwell quickly motioned to approve the awarding of the $255,846.99 new Health Building’s AV contract to Sound Principals Pro Multi Media, Inc; equally quickly seconded by Mr. Gibbons.

When Mr. Rousseau dared to question why this was treated as a sole-source award, Mr. Maxwell quickly shot down opposition by saying that county has dealt with them before and had great results. “We could bid it out but why would you when you have a good thing.”

With the verbal encouragement of the county administrator/manager, four commissioners voted to ignore the very procedures and process they throw in the faces of the animal advocates when the advocates ask the commissioners to expedite something directly related to animal welfare. (Mr. Rousseau voted no.) I guess the four commissioners only break the rules to serve their personal interests.

For clarity, a county contract would not be subject to the public bid process if the item(s) being acquired is only available through a single existing vendor or the commissioners have officially approved a company as the official contractor for a specific area at the beginning of the calendar year. An example: Pond and Company approved in January 2024 for engineering. This AV equipment contract met neither of those conditions and should have been put out for public bid.

Fayette County citizens can reverse the current Board of Commissioners’ counterproductive and non-transparent course, lack of fiscal responsibility and disregard for due diligence beginning October 15 through November 5 when District 1, District 2, and entire-county District 5 appear on their ballot.

Lynne Lasher

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Easy to spend Taxpayer folks’ money…’specially when you already like the recipient…maybe Mr. Maxwell gets a Karaoke set up out of the deal…do I hear “Smoke on The Water”?
    Of course, making a few calls and getting some competitive pricing is troublesome…

  2. MyCatBill, Rousseau seems to be the only one carefully reading the agenda packet before the meetings and asking questions. Sadly, the others either turn on him or ignore him! Clearly reason to be suspicious of BoC actions! I hold up the poorly thought out and designed $3.2 million new animal shelter that was outdated on opening day as an example of their incompetency! My bet is, as we move closer to early voting, money and fixes for the shelter will suddenly be offered up. They have fought the major efforts of the animal advocates since April, but now the incumbents are worried that they might actually lose their seat!

  3. Can you say, “Appearance of impropriety?” I can.

    I can also say that Mr Rousseau deserves our support and thanks for looking out for us taxpaying citizens. Not so much for the other members. What was in it for them to push this sweetheart deal through, ignoring the official process?