Georgia Power seeks to overpower 128-year-old family home


While we on Lee’s Mill Road have our power supplied through Coweta-Fayette EMC, we are being subjected to the intrusion of Georgia Power. They are planning to force 230 kilovolt power lines down our road. Thanks so much! It is all an effort, they now say, to provide for future growth. We have all the power we need now.

In truth, were it not for the data center there would be no need for such. The data center, plus the other two nearby data centers are private companies, not public. So eminent domain is not realistic for forcing this on us.

My home on Lee’s Mill was built between 1894 and 1896. My mom was born in this house. It’s the first house I lived in as my dad was in the Army when I was born. This house is 68 feet from Lee’s Mill Road.

Obviously when it was constructed there were no power lines because there was no electricity. Now Georgia Power has a plan to get an easement to construct these huge power lines in front of my home.

They have contacted the property owners across the street and are trying to buy out their fears and pay for their loss of value.

Has Georgia Power contacted me about this and how it diminishes my property value, my and my family’s health, my desire to live under this power line? That’s a big NO!

My only option is to get attorneys involved. I’ve already lost a bit of property so the county could build the water tower on the corner. Looks like I’m in line, a 230kv line, to get screwed again.

Dave Williams

Fayetteville, Ga.


  1. Georgia Power would screw over there own grandmother to make a $. Along with their bought PSC. From raising rates making $700 power bills common this summer to spinning up old plants to add fossil fuel turbines to include coal burners in MS. All to feed datacenters that receive tax abatements and produce 30 jobs each.

  2. The lack of empathy or almost disdain our elected officials have shown towards the citizens of Fayetteville is cringe worthy. They knew that data center would require these power lines and absolutely didn’t care. The citizens let their feelings known about the data center yet were totally ignored by the money grubber council members. That building is the absolute worst eye sore in Fayetteville. This council is not going to stop until this town is totally unlivable. Anyone up for reelection who approved this cluster needs to go. For any future election if they voted for data center vote them out. Vote for those who really want to make a positive impact on our community. Share your story with anyone who will listen and get them to vote. This mayor, council, and commissioners who approved this mess need to go. I will be doing the same. Good luck and keep fighting.

    • Ney, I think you need to back up to the non-elected Fayette County Development Authority, as to where the ball was dropped. They are the ones that brokered the deals that should have considered the impact of the needed resources to support an industrial-scale development of this type for Fayette County. QTS advertises the ATLANTA 2 site (Fayette county location) to be a 500mw data center. This is the equivalent to the power needs of 82,000 homes. The FCDA are the ones that scattered the seeds of the 230kv power towers to the wind, and are now maturing and soon will be sprouting up in our front yards. The city of Fayetteville, or county will be hard pressed to be able intervene to stop the Georgia Power immanent domain steamroller. I doubt the local councilmen were even informed this could be an issue when the back room deals being made by the FCDA to acquire the properties and get it under Fayetteville zoning.