Celebrating 100 newspaper columns with something new!


Thank you readers. Believe it or not, this is my 100th column for this newspaper! Over the past two years, I’ve really enjoyed sharing personal insights, stories, business tips, and even the occasional ramble with you. A lot of work goes into each article—more than I suspected when I first started. But as I look back over the experience, I can honestly say it’s been worth it. Writing has helped me learn more about myself and the topics I’ve covered. It’s one thing to think about things; it’s another to articulate those thoughts in writing.

When Cal Beverly encouraged me to start this column in the late summer of 2022, I was a little apprehensive. Do you remember my first column about why I started a local business? A full slate of seasoned columnists were already writing, and I wasn’t sure what I would write about or how I would fit in. They had a loyal following, and it wasn’t clear what I could offer. Frankly, I kinda decided what I didn’t want to write more than I knew what I wanted to talk about. I think it’s clear by now that I have avoided making commentary about local or national politics. It’s not that I don’t care (I do), but politics isn’t my jam.

While I believe in free speech, it hasn’t been easy being associated with others who exercise that right so vigorously. I’ve been criticized by people on both the left and the right who’ve asked me to take a stand on various issues. Most of the criticism has been minor and hasn’t appeared in this paper. Again, politics is not my thing, so I’ve just tried to avoid such topics. Regardless of what you may personally believe, I will say that Cal Beverly has never once censored anything I’ve written or asked me to write for or against any particular topic. I’ve had free rein to write about what I wanted. Thank you for that, Cal.

Joe Domaleski with Cal Beverly during a meeting of the Peachtree City Rotary Club. Photo/Ellie White-Stevens
Joe Domaleski with Cal Beverly during a meeting of the Peachtree City Rotary Club. Photo/Ellie White-Stevens

Over the past few months, the view count from your readership has made this column one of the more popular features on the newspaper’s website. Although I don’t do it for the numbers (this is an unpaid gig for me), it is gratifying to know that some of you find value in it. What I really enjoy is when people see me in public and talk to me about some of the things I’ve written. Unlike some writers, I am pretty active in the local community and don’t hide behind a computer screen.

Today, I have some exciting news to share. Over the past year, my most popular columns have been about topics related to artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, marketing, and higher education. Indeed, I had no idea that my announcement about going back to school for another degree at Georgia Tech would be of interest to so many of you. Thank you for that support and encouragement. To delve deeper into those subjects and more, I’ve decided to start a new blog called Marketing Data Science with Joe Domaleski.

Several close friends encouraged me to start the new blog, and I just published my first post over the weekend. The blog will be hosted on the Medium.com platform. This new platform will allow me to explore the latest developments in data science and artificial intelligence, particularly how they apply to marketing and small business strategies. While these topics might seem complex, I aim to break them down into digestible insights that can help local businesses and nonprofits, just like yours, thrive in today’s digital age.

But don’t worry—I’m not going anywhere! As long as Cal will have me, I’ll continue writing here in the newspaper, bringing you the same blend of business insights and personal reflections you’ve come to expect. The new blog is simply an extension of my thoughts, providing a space to dive deeper into the fascinating world of data-inspired marketing. I also intend to chronicle my journey as a middle-aged graduate student on the new blog, which could prove to be very interesting.

Previewing my new blog Marketing Data Science from our remote office at Trilith. Photo/Joe Domaleski
Previewing my new blog Marketing Data Science from our remote office at Trilith. Photo/Joe Domaleski

I hope you’ll follow me on the new blog and please tell friends and work colleagues about it. It’s a non-monetized blog, so I’m going to rely on old-fashioned word-of-mouth marketing, which is still very relevant despite algorithmic marketing techniques.

My new blog is located at: https://blog.marketingdatascience.ai.

Please keep reading this newspaper website as well. I’ll still be right here, sharing stories that I hope you’ll continue to enjoy reading. Thank you for being part of my journey as a writer and blogger. Here’s to the next 100 columns—and beyond!


[Joe Domaleski, a Fayette County resident for 25+ years, is the owner of Country Fried Creative – an award-winning digital marketing agency located in Peachtree City. His company was the Fayette Chamber’s 2021 Small Business of the Year.  Joe is a husband, father of three grown children, and proud Army veteran.  He has an MBA from Georgia State University and enjoys sharing his perspectives drawing from thirty years of business leadership experience. Joe is a recipient of the Peachtree City Rotary Club Business Leader of the Year Award for 2024. Sign up for the Country Fried Creative newsletter to get marketing and business articles directly in your inbox. You can connect with Joe directly on LinkedIn or follow his new blog Marketing Data Science for more insights and updates.]