Everytime I hear a George Orwell quote, I am both amazed at his perspicacity and a bit horrified at how accurate he was in describing our current times. Here is one quote from his great novel “1984” that applies well to our current ruling classes: “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
We are seeing this notion played out in real time as the press both embraces Kamala Harris’s radicalism while pushing her camp’s many denials of previous statements she made concerning a wide variety of issues.
On one hand, Kamala said she didn’t think illegal immigrants should be guilty of a “crime” and that we should provide all public services to them for free, but on the other her camp is now saying that she would be tough on the border and hire thousands of new border agents, and that Trump and the Republicans are the ones who are weak on border security. To add a third layer of absurdity, the press also assiduously denies that Kamala was ever called the “border czar” or even inhabited that role.
Or how about the fact that her administration (because it is synonymous with Biden’s) helped stoke the worst inflation in 40 years with excessive and wasteful spending bills, which most harmed the poor and working classes she claims to care about, but that now she claims to be a champion of reducing the cost of living. (The fact that she plans to do so by simply implementing price controls and prosecuting “greedy corporations” shows just how Marxist and stupid she is about basic economics.
Price controls always result in higher prices, as does persecution of the businesses that provide the goods and services we need.) Under Trump, inflation was kept below 2% and real wages grew faster than at any time in recent history, especially for the poor and Blacks.
Nevermind that. The press and Democrats now boldly claim that their policies will help the poor and Trump’s will hurt them, even though they have yet to acknowledge the harm done by their policies in the last 4 years.
Perhaps the most egregious example of doublethink in the Biden-Harris camp is their constant drumbeat that Trump is a “threat to democracy” and a secure world order.
This, from the administration who openly and brazenly implemented policies that violated the Constitution (Biden literally bragged about doing so with his fraudulent student loan forgiveness scheme). Who used the DOJ to attack their main political rival. Whose feckless and weak leadership enabled and emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine and Iran/Hamas to launch its gruesome attack on innocent Israeli citizens, including babies and elderly survivors of the Holocaust.
Contrast this to the relative international peace we saw under Trump. Yes, Trump also had his constitutional excesses, but they were aimed at preventing entry of migrants from countries whose terrorist vetting was insufficient, not at buying votes from spoiled college kids.
But the press continues on, insisting that Trump’s policies are authoritarian and dangerous while Biden-Harris’s are models of international harmony and domestic tranquility. Balderdash!
I will give Kamala credit for being consistent on just one issue: abortion. But here too she and most Democrats are guilty of the worst kind of “doublethink.” One on hand, they claim to be protectors of the innocent, the vulnerable, the poor, people of color, etc.
They rail against policies, real or imagined, that result in disproportionate harm to marginal communities. They claim to be champions of women and robust public healthcare. And yet, they rabidly support the intentional killing of the most innocent, most vulnerable among us, unborn children.
They justify their perverse morality by citing “science,” and yet ignore what scientists actually say about the true humanity of even the smallest zygote or embryo. They celebrate and encourage abortion even though it is most prevalent among the poor African-American community.
So while Kamala may have not changed her mind on abortion, she is still guilty of the worst kind of moral crime by advocating for its availability through all 9 months of pregnancy.
If we lived in a normal, decent country, our political leaders at least be questioned about this type of double-thinking and double-speaking, but our press not only doesn’t ask, they enable it by shoving down the memory hole facts that harm their favorite candidates while creating false controversies about the candidates they hate.
Orwell would recognize well this type of cretinous character as being cut from the same cloth as the Marxist monsters of the early and mid 20th century, but he might be surprised of how strongly and quickly they re-emerged after the putative defeat of the Marxist movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
He, and we, likely underestimated the power of the university systems and the radicals therein to poison our thinking to the extent they have. They lost the Cold War only to continue the Marxist struggle in our education system, and they succeeded greatly, sad to say.
There is indeed nothing new under the sun, but to quote Orwell again, on a somewhat more optimistic note: “However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing.”
Trey Hoffman
Peachtree City, Ga.
Price controls don’t lead to higher prices, they lead to shortages. We can start cranking out examples if you insist, but it’s not difficult.
The idea that politicians and/or bureaucrats in DC can figure out the “correct” price for groceries is so absurd I doubt anyone believes it. This is so asinine I suspect that they don’t actually intend to try it, it’s just a selling point.
So, Kamala knows how to solve the problem of inflation? But she’s been withholding this wonderful program from Biden & the other Democrats for the past 3.5 years? She’s allowed everyone to suffer needlessly for 3.5 years, why? Is she getting kickbacks from the greedy corporations? Did she not want Biden to get credit for her great idea? Enquiring minds want to know.
She’s promising to build 3 million homes in 4 years. In the last 2.5 years they’ve built 8 EV charging stations.
I agree. Price controlling isn’t the answer to inflated pricing. Efficiency production and acquisition normally work well. Taxation will also help control excess profiteering in the name of reinvesting.
Doug – what is “excess profiteering”? Are you proposing to use the power of the federal bureaucracy to add an excess profiteering tax to tech companies, who regularly enjoy margins over 70% instead of groceries that get by on thin margins of +/- 2%? If not, why not?
Kamala is using most Americans’ ignorance of basic economics to float “free money” and “stick it to The Man” reasons to vote for her. It’s obvious that she doesn’t have anything to say for her own accomplishments or qualifications to be president, so promising joy, rainbows and unicorns to low information voters is her best option.
And hiding from any interviews in the basement with Biden. That worked for Joe.
Harris is doing whatever Harris is compelled to do. I trust her to act more responsibly than Humpty Dumpty.
Politicians won’t get near it, but I’m a flat tax rate proponent with no exemptions or deductions. If one wants to invest, do. If not, don’t. If one wants children, have them. If not, don’t. Whatever commercial and personal identities responsibly do is not my concern. I prefer the Government tax corporate and personal income at the same fixed rate. I also like the equal party concept regarding law, finance, and economics. If one party is allowed something, so is the other without regard to whether the party is identified as commercial or personal. That specifically applies to anything relative to Government.
I’m with you on a flat tax – I’d opt for a modest exemption (perhaps $10k per family member) then everything is taxed at a moderate rate, perhaps 10%. Cut out the massive complexity.
I’m with you folks on the inefficiency of government price controls. The market is better than the government at picking winners and losers.
Also, I am shocked that a presidential candidate would make a promise with no possible chance of fulfilling it. That would be as silly as promising a gargantuan 2,000 mile border wall completely paid for by Mexico. Who would ever fall for this weirdness?
I don’t think President Trump ever claimed that we would build a wall that covered every bit of the 2,000-mile-long border. But he did manage to get a lot of it built, despite Democrat opposition. Biden-Harris actually dismantled some of the border wall at taxpayer expense. And President Trump’s policies greatly reduced the flow of illegals and fentanyl, which currently kills about 100,000 American citizens every year.
And I’m so pleased that Mexico paid for it and saved us taxpayers all that money.
The wall at $46 million per mile that USNews estimated it cost taxpayer, is a bargain compared to the $150 billion Newsweek estimated the boarder crisis cost taxpayers in just 2023. C’mon man, Remain in Mexico was saving us a bundle before Joe 86ed it.
As I said, it was so nice for Mexico to pay for the wall construction. Presidential candidates never make promises that they can’t keep.
Hi Trey! Glad to see you are alive and presumably well! Your vitriol has been missed here!
I agree with you; politicians do tend to change their stripes as it suits them (you might look at JD Vance, who once called Trump our very own Hitler and now sings his praises!, or Trump himself, who called for the end of the Senate filibuster when it would have moved his agenda forward but now believes ending the filibuster would be disastrous for the GOP). LOL.
But it’s not only politicians who can hold two contradictory beliefs. We all do it. You, Trey, probably consider yourself to be a man of integrity with respect for justice and the law, but when faced with voting for either a convicted felon or a former prosecutor, you choose the felon. You’re only able to do that because you can hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time.
It’s not a double think; it’s just human nature. We each have to decide in our own hearts how far we can push the boundaries of what we believe in compared with how we act. You’ve decided your belief in yourself as a man of integrity can be stretched to embrace voting for a criminal, a man held liable for sexual assault, the guy who encouraged his followers to storm the capital and overthrow the government for him, because at least he’s a white guy.
That’s your privilege.
Jax – You’re much too gracious about Hoffman’s doublemindedness. Here is a guy who introjects and then repeats everything he hears on Fox News and at the same time, he thinks of himself as something other than a dupe.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Jax, I fear you’ve missed the mark a bit. It’s reported that in a private text Vance said he wasn’t sure if Trump would be another Nixon or an American Hitler. First, I’m confident this was hyperbole or a joke – he didn’t expect a President Trump to invade Poland or try to exterminate the Jews, that would’ve made for a very awkward Thanksgiving dinner what with his daughter & grandchildren being Jewish & all. Nor did he expect a President Trump to round people up like say, Hitler or FDR.
But more to the point, Vance was critical of Trump as a candidate, but after Trump was elected & Vance saw how well he governed he changed his mind. So, different views at different times based on new information – note that the title of the article refers to “contradictory beliefs at the same time”, not changing one’s mind over time based on new information.
I’d also suggest you avoid accusing others of being vitriolic at the same time you’re making gratuitous Hitler references.
Other than that, well done you!