Strickland to be named city manager for Peachtree City at Thursday City Council meeting

The official Peachtree City Council portrait as of mid-January 2024. (L-R) Laura Johnson (Post 1); Clint Holland (Post 3); Kim Learnard (mayor); Suzanne Brown (Post 2); Frank Destadio (Post 4 and mayor pro tem).
The official Peachtree City Council portrait as of mid-January 2024. (L-R) Laura Johnson (Post 1); Clint Holland (Post 3); Kim Learnard (mayor); Suzanne Brown (Post 2); Frank Destadio (Post 4 and mayor pro tem).

Peachtree City will name its interim city manager Justin Strickland to be the full-time city manager at the July 15 morning meeting this Thursday, according to the city’s information packet.

Though it’s not mentioned, Interim Assistant City Manager Yasmin Julio is likely to have the “interim” removed and take Strickand’s place in the city’s management heirarchy. She also serves now concurrently as city clerk.

Strickland served as assistant under former City Manager Jon Rorie who resigned to take a job in South Carolina.

Also on the 9:30 a.m. meeting agenda will be revised ordinances changing the council’s public meeting time and the purpose of each of the two meetings. A work session will be at 9:30 on the first Thursday morning of each month and a regular — and expected shorter — business meeting at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday evening of each month.

“The Mayor and Council during the last retreat discussed changing the format and time of the regularly scheduled Council meetings,” the council’s information packer says. “Currently, two council members meet routinely, without a quorum, to be presented information by staff for upcoming Council meetings. This was the process established by the previous administration and city manager. The current Council shared an interest in maintaining transparency and collectively considered having one meeting per month as a dedicated Work Session to discuss, in-depth, the items put forth in front of them. This would allow for the presentations by staff to be given to all of City Council at the same time in a public forum which meets all criteria outlined in the open meeting law.

“Additionally, the council recently approved a start time change for the second meeting of each month to take place at 9:30 a.m. for the remainder of this year. However, to better facilitate the intent of the open forum at the work session, the Council discussed having the work session start at 9:30 a.m., which would be the first meeting of the month and the regular meeting to be held on the second meeting of every month at 6:30 p.m. The attached ordinance reflects all requested changes.”

The council also is expected to change the rules for public participation. Each speaker gets up to three minutes to talk about issues, including — in a change — items on the agenda for that night. The exception will be items like rezonings that by state law require public hearings as part of the proceedings. Overall public comments will be limited to a total of 30 minutes, unless the council votes otherwise to extend the time limit.

Also on the agenda: adoption of budgets for the city’s Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Keep Peachtree City Clean nonprofit organization.

Also to be adopted, a revised plumbing code, some elements of which may affect people putting in new or upgraded irrigation systems, kitchen faucets, lavatories, shower heads and toilets.