Rule of law seems not to apply to Democrats


Trump’s many critics have celebrated the hush money guilty verdict as being a case of the rule of law being fairly applied to all, or they claim this is proof that no one is above the rule of law.

If Trump should be found guilty of squashing a story about a personal indiscretion using his own money, what should we do about Biden and his multi-pronged effort to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story, using not only his personal political resources, but using various agencies of the Federal government to manipulate the 2020 election?

Or what about applying the rule of law to Hillary Clinton, various Democrats, and various federal agents who colluded to undermine the entire Trump administration with the Russian collusion hoax? Or the $50 million that was spent on Robert Mueller‘s investigation based on false pretenses? Shouldn’t the rule of law apply to the actors involved with that conspiracy as well?

Or what about the concerted effort by the entire Democratic Party to squash the story about the Biden family selling influence for millions of dollars over the past 14 years?

Or what about applying the rule of law to Anthony Fauci, who defied Congress by indirectly providing funding to the Wuhan Institute Virology for gain of function studies, which likely led to the creation of the Covid virus and a pandemic that killed hundreds of millions of people?

In short, this is an abuse of the law, not its fair application, and it will hurt our country in ways that are hard to predict but certain and serious.

Once you’ve gone down the road of “by any means necessary,” there is no turning back. The Democrats are firmly committed to doing anything and everything to defeat Trump, moral or not, ethical or not, legal or not, as long as they get their way, like spoiled children or bloodthirsty Bolsheviks.

In doing so, they are destroying the country they claim to want to protect. This is not a moment to celebrate, but is rather an occasion to mourn a potentially mortal wound to our body politic and the actual principle of “rule of law.”

Trey Hoffman

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Sorry to double up, but I just saw the headline that Hunter Biden has been convicted of a federal crime on his gun charge! Where are the lefties whinging and crying that the trial was rigged?

    Or maybe Trey is mistaken, and every once in a blue moon, the SON OF THE PRESIDENT WHO IS A DEMOCRAT actually is held accountable by law!

    But wait … maybe Trey will say of course HUNTER’S trial was not rigged because he is clearly GUILTY, whereas the trial of Pres Trump was rigged because he is clearly an INNOCENT MAN (who was found liable for sexual assault and guilty of defaming the woman he assaulted and is embroiled in 4 criminal cases regarding crimes committed before, during, and after his presidency).

    Please, MAGA-GOP, take back your souls and reject the conman who could give two flying F’s about you. It’s not too late to preserve your integrity and save the republic.

  2. I have been so busy that I didn’t see that Trey was back! Welcome back, Trey. I’m so glad you are OK. When we didn’t hear from you in so long, I was afraid you were sick or incapacitated in some other way. I’m glad you are well enough to be writing to the editor again.

    As always, your logic is twisted and your point is ridiculous, but I’ll allow it because it’s nice to see you again.

    Also, as STF points out, Democrats are routinely forced to take responsibility for their actions, too, it’s not just Pres Trump.

  3. I have served on 5 juries. One in NYC and four in Ga- one of these was a Grand Jury in Fayette Co. My experience has led me to trust a juries decision. They work hard to get to the truth. It saddens me that a former President of the United States committed a felony and has been found guilty of this crime but the Rule of Law must be followed. Never once on my jury times was I asked what my political opinions were.

    • Thank you, sir. It’s sometimes scary to place our trust in people. But like medicine, it’s for the best and one of the best things about being an American. In the first draft of his inaugural address Thomas Jefferson included, “freedom of person, under the never-ceasing protection of the Hab. Corp (Habeas corpus). And trial by juries impartially selected.” in his illustration of “These principles form the bright constellation, which has gone before us & guided our steps thro’ an age of revoln (revolution) & reformn (reform) the wisdom of our sages, & blood of our heroes has been devoted to their attainment: they should be the creed of our political faith: the text of public instruction: the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust: and should we wander from them in moments of error or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps, & to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety.” (parentheses are mine). I. First Draft, [before 4 March 1801],” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 33, 17 February–30 April 1801, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006, pp. 139–143.]

    • My original reply is still “awaiting moderation.” But thank you, sir. It’s sometimes scary to place our trust in people. But like medicine, it’s for the best and one of the best things about being an American. In the first draft of his inaugural address Thomas Jefferson included, “freedom of person, under the never-ceasing protection of the Hab. Corp (Habeas corpus). And trial by juries impartially selected.” in his illustration of “These principles form the bright constellation, which has gone before us & guided our steps thro’ an age of revoln (revolution) & reformn (reform) the wisdom of our sages, & blood of our heroes has been devoted to their attainment: they should be the creed of our political faith: the text of public instruction: the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust: and should we wander from them in moments of error or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps, & to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety.” (parentheses are mine). I. First Draft, [before 4 March 1801].”. (The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 33, 17 February–30 April 1801, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006, pp. 139–143.)

      When it comes to criminal trials, juries are our insurance against biased judges (and prosecutors).

      • Mr. Tucker – The Jefferson quote is quite appropriate.

        I will give most of the pro-45 commenters at The Citizen some credit here. Few have questioned the jury’s honest verdict. Most are complaining that the felon never should have been tried. Like you, I believe that the jury system is the best we can do as a society to grant equal justice to all.

  4. Funny how the self proclaimed party of black and brown people deployed the exact same tool the same party used to intimidate black and brown people for over 100 years on their political opponent: rigged justice. That is the definition of a hypocrite.

    You can’t cheer Donald Trump’s scam trial one day and curse the next time a black person is jailed for a crime they did not commit. That makes you a hypocrite and part of the problem not the solution

    • Jack – You’ve got to admit that karma is a real thing. Trump gets convicted in the same courthouse as the Central Park Five that he excoriated and even ran full-page adds against in the New York newspapers. The main difference, of course, is that they were innocent. God surely has a sense of humor.

      • What was different was there was first a crime since a woman was actually raped in Central Park. the police and prosecutor arrested and convicted the wrong people. in the other case the prosecution identified the defendant first, then manufactured a crime to crate a conviction.

        • Trump certainly agrees with that, Jacketman. This from one his “Truth Social” posts yesterday, at 6:51 PM, “The “Sentencing” for not having done anything wrong will be, conveniently for the Fascists, 4 days before the Republican National Convention. A Radical Left Soros backed D.A., who ran on a platform of “I will get Trump,” reporting to an “Acting” Local Judge, appointed by the Democrats, who is HIGHLY CONFLICTED, will make a decision which will determine the future of our Nation? The United States Supreme Court MUST DECIDE!”

          Some people believe this rubbish. Is this a conman with his “Art of the Deal.” More like snake oil to me.

  5. STF you’re such a good leftist…..repeating the mandated talking points with your “CONVICTED FELON” line. Soros would be proud of you.

    Of course Trump was going to get convicted. The outcome was decided before the trial, it was never in doubt. The minute Trump entered the ’24 race things got ratcheted up. If you had a slight shred of intellectual honesty you might ask yourself why this case waited until 2024 to go to trial, along with the other cases. None of these show trials would be happening if DJT wasn’t running for president again. And with Bragg, Willis, and the other Soros-linked DA’s taking their directions directly from the White House, it’s 100% a political witch hunt. All Trump is doing is proving his claims correct. Can you even name the charges Trump was “convicted” of and exactly which laws were broken, without Googling?

    • What in the world are you talking about? It’s bigger than the White House, far bigger. Why 2024? Probably because Trump wanted to delay anything that will poorly show him. Nobody, other than the ratifiers of our Constitution and the State of New York Constitution directed this trial. A fair and impartial jury convicted the “Artful Dodger.” This isn’t a cause for celebration, either. This was a crime.

      • Come on Doug. Do you honestly really think there was zero connection between the New York court and the White House? Be intellectually honest with your answer. Have you not considered any of the data points connecting the two?

        • The only connection is through the Democratic Party (Prosecutor, Judge, and probably most of the Jury). I think Biden and his aides are too experienced to get involved. These guys are politically savvy. I don’t care for much in the Democratic Party, but they are doing better for our country than the “Trump-led Republican Party.” Now, if the Prosecutor or Judge wanted to help Biden and the Democratic Party, shame on them, I believe the Judge and Jury were objective with their reasoning. Like many, I think the New York Governor should pardon Trump.

          P.s., We no longer have a Republican Party, but a “Trump-led Republican Party.” My Republican Party went absent after Eisenhower, though G.H.W. Bush nearly brought it back.

          • Sorry Doug – but you just aren’t aware of the facts. In the Georgia case, Nathan Wade met members of the White House staff on two occasions before taking the case to court. Alvin Bragg had requested a meeting with Biden staff on March 17. And Jack Smith and his team were meeting at Biden’s residence even before the Mar-A-Lago charges were filed. You should do some research on your own. And no, I don’t use Fox News as a source. Anyone who has done even a little bit of digging into the details and anyone who’s got a shred of common sense can see that all these cases are being directed from the Soros/Obama team at the White House. Not even the leftists are denying this.

          • Wing – I know you actually believe these crazy conspiracies, as amazing as that is. However, even if they were true, 45 was found guilty of crimes by 12 jurors who listened to evidence from the prosecutor and then rebuttals from the defense. This evidence wasn’t manufactured by a political machine, rather, it was mostly from the people who were in bed (literally and figuratively) with the criminal.

            Conservative media is trying to distract people from the verdict by questioning the origin of the charges. The question is whether the defendant did or did not commit the crime of falsifying records to hide an ugly fact that might keep him from being elected.

            Keep your eye on the ball rather than the excuses.

          • STF – so you’re saying you’re fine with the Biden admin directing these show trials…..thanks for going on the record to admit that.

          • Sorry Wing, I did the research just now and it appears that your source material is probably Truth Social, the NY Post and/or House Judiciary Committee reports (Jim Jordan). And if you dig past the headline reading, you’ll find not much there except hearsay, insinuations and the like.

        • Wing, if the White House directed the Trump investigation and trials, provide, or otherwise, provide or cite the evidence. That should probably include dates, times, and transcripts of meetings. If word-of-mouth, qualify the person who originated the comments. My bet, there exists no evidence because it did not happen.

          You know, Wing, it looks like we are getting into a fighting war, through NATO and the EU, with Russia (and Belarus). Without evidence of corruption, I think the Trump-led Republican Party is doing more harm than Russian, Chinese, and Iranian propaganda. I am simply stating the Trump-led Republican Party is un-American.

          I have had a comment awaiting moderation replying to swac36 since yesterday. If it passes the moderation stage, you will see it references the importance of Juries in our American republican system of government. When “Trumpsters” (Trump-led Republican Party) disagree with traditional American republican values without factual evidence, they are altering the political beliefs of about half the U.S. population. It’s dangerous stuff and gives fuel to un-American activities. Show the evidence.

  6. Poor Trey – His standard bearer is now a CONVICTED FELON, duly judged by a jury of ordinary citizens. As if it matters, he also has been found guilty in courts of defaming a woman he sexually assaulted and of egregiously inflating the value of his assets to defraud banks while seeking loans. These civil verdicts come with half a billion dollars in payouts as well. That’s not to mention 30,000 verifiable lies he told from 2017 to 2021, and the one huge one he continues to tell until this day about his election loss.

    Of course, Trey wouldn’t know this because he gets his information from a news source that had to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars for systematically lying on air over several years.

    But the pretzel logic Trey uses is even wackier. There are more Republican attorneys general than Democratic ones in the United States and all are fully capable of indicting anyone who has broken the law. The Mueller investigation was ordered by Trump’s Attorney General, the little Keebler Elf from Alabama. Hunter Biden is going to trial very soon, and I would welcome any other Democrat who has broken the law to be indicted. Indeed, if Joe Biden has done something illegal, it would be great to have him convicted and off the ballot. He’s about the only national Democrat who might not be able to beat Trey’s orange god.

    In short, “Whataboutism” is the weakest argument available when your guy gets caught with his pants down (literally and figuratively). Of course, that’s all Trey has, but he’s too naive to recognize this as a schoolyard taunt instead of reasonable defense.

    So how about this: Put up or shut up. If evidence that would convince a jury is available to convict ANY politician of any party, indict and take them to court. But please, don’t whine about unfair treatment just because your guy continually gets caught misbehaving.