Fayette County offers free glass recycling


Fayette County and Ripple Glass have announced a new glass recycling opportunity at the Transfer Station.

The Ripple Glass recycling program provides residents with the opportunity to drop off their glass for convenient and sustainable recycling.

Residents who desire to recycle glass can drop off their glass containers at the Transfer Station located at 211 First Manassas Mile Road. We do not accept glass at the curb during regular recycling pickup.

The purple bins are free to use, and Ripple Glass accepts all colors of food and beverage glass. The labels can stay on, and rinsing out the glass is appreciated.

Glass can be recycled infinitely, and the addition of this convenient drop-off location will divert the glass from landfills and give it new life.

Transfer Station hours are 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information, visit our website fayettecountyga.gov and https://www.rippleglass.com/atl/