The Peachtree City voters who turned out for the Dec. 5 runoff election gave a large thumbs up vote to Laura Plauché Johnson and said no thanks to Tamara Moore.
With all votes counted after Tuesday polling, here are the final totals:
Laura Plauché Johnson — 2,919 votes (78%)
Tamara Allen Moore — 824 votes (22%)
Johnson will be sworn in to take office in January.
She joins Suzanne Brown who beat Moore’s running mate, banker Vic Painter, 58% to 42% in the November local election.
The two will remake the current city council, with two women taking the place of departing and term-limited council members Mike King and Phil Prebor.
The remaining council features Mayor Kim Learnard, and council members Clint Holland (Post 3), and Frank Destadio (Post 4).
The new voting alignment is likely to shift to Destadio, Holland and Brown, while newcomer Laura Johnson has yet to make detailed public statements about her policy preferences.
Mayor Learnard will likely miss her reliable votes as King and Prebor leave the podium and return to private life.
Johnson led the three-way race Nov. 7 with 41.7% of the vote, while Moore came in second at 29.7%.
EARLY VOTE STORY — In early vote tabulations here’s the vote count for the two Peachtree City Council Post 1 runoff candidates at this point:
Laura Plauché Johnson — 1,235 (82%)
Tamara Allen Moore — 260 (17%)
A total of 1,495 voters cast early and absentee ballots.
The early vote occurred all last week. Today’s vote — when all precincts are counted — will be added to the early vote.
Johnson led the three-way race Nov. 7 with 41.7% of the vote, while Moore came in second at 29.7%. In that Nov. 7 election, 5,936 Peachtree City voters cast their ballots.
Suzanne Brown won a two-way race over Vic Painter 58.4% to 41.5% for the Post 2 seat on the council. She will take office Jan. 1.
The Tamarafesto is gone, but not soon forgotten. The bar has been raised impossibility high for not how to campaign.
Yet, in the other race, we elected this mess.
Holland, King, newly elected Suzanne Brown, and two other citizens are part of a state investigation.
The November 2nd City Council meeting allowed citizens to voice their concerns over Councilmen Holland and King, along with a self-appointed committee which included Suzanne Brown, the newly elected city councilperson, and the fact that they obtained records of deceased citizens, including their social security numbers and other personal data. The two city officials used their elected titles but used personal email addresses to encourage a Fayette County employee to release the data.
Spy – you need to read Councilman Holland’s letter about the request for voter information, so you know the facts before you repeat the erroneous statements of our mayor.
The group asked for publicly available information only, and Mr Holland was personally assured by the Clerk of Courts the data “were open public records available to any citizen”.
The request should have been turned down by the agency if it included data that is protected. If there is fault found in this, it will be with those government officials.
PS – you can’t make Tamara Moore’s poorly-run campaign look better by slinging mud at Council members Holland, King and Brown.
I’m calling BS on that…all of it. Who mentioned Moore? Holland can say whatever he wants, he received docs to his private email under the guise of a Public Official..when caught, he crawfished.
Not looking forward to the CF this Council will be.
Thankfully, we are a City Manager mainly ran City…I just he can put up with this crew.
Since the information they requested is public data available to any citizen – – even you – – it matters not one bit what title or email anyone used.
Unless there are other facts brought out, you only have your opinion, which combined with $5 can get you a coffee most places.
I like coffee..y’all enjoy ths $hit show
More to come 2 cents. More to come. We shall see.
One significantly important component of election security and validity is the secret ballot.
If one was able to take a picture of your ballot, you might find yourself compelled to show that picture to your boss, your spouse, your HOA to remain in their good graces.
Now it’s time to take down all the yard signs and return our community to the beauty that we are used to seeing.
Waiting for Tamara-Festo part 2
I’m so old that I remember knowing who I actually voted for. Now I vote for a QR code. I asked yesterday if I could scan the code with my phone to see who I was voting for and they said I couldn’t. What the heck are they afraid of me knowing? The elections in the state are a farce.
yeah maybe you’re so old you can’t see either. i went yesterday and saw exactly who I voted for.
you need to quit with election “are a farce” . Nothing wrong with the system. Worst thing anyone can do is not to vote because “its rigged” or “doesn’t matter”
Always vote !
You DID NOT SEE WHO YOU VOTED FOR! You saw the names on a piece of paper. The names were NOT what was counted. The QR code is what was scanned and counted.
A few notes to local candidates who want to improve their chances of winning:
– Have campaign websites that are generous with information regarding your platform and ideas.
– Don’t leave your campaign information solely on Facebook, or Instagram, etc. because people who don’t have social media accounts might not be able to access it.
– Respond to people write to you with questions. One of the candidates never responded to an email I sent to her. The other did.