City staff is recommending the Peachtree City Council move forward on a closer look at an annexation request on the city’s eastside.
“Staff recommends that Council accept the Step-Two annexation application for the 52 acres on Stagecoach and Spear Roads. Council’s acceptance of the application allows staff to begin the review process and in no way implies approval of the annexation,” according to the information packet for tonight’s meeting.
A Peachtree City resident, developer Mike Hyde described the project as the culmination of a 28-year process. The plan calls for 21 “large, upscale homes” on the east side of Camp Creek and “two large Estate Residential lots” on the west side of Camp Creek.
If the council OKs moving into Step Two, it must hold a public hearing within 60 days to vote yes or no on bringing the property into the city.
The council also will decide how to proceed with one of four options on repair of the storm-damaged Flat Creek boardwalk and associated damaged tree removal. Cost estimates range up to $145,120.
A July city survey showed overwhelming support for spending up to $200,000 to restore the boardwalk as it was before the damage, with nearly 75% of the 1,097 votes in favor of the council spending the money.
The city’s proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget of $51.4 million also comes up for a final adoption vote tonight.
Here’s the agenda for tonight’s Peachtree City Council meeting:
Regular Meeting Agenda
August 3, 2023 | 6:30 PM | City Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
3. Announcements, Awards, Special Recognition
A. Summer Interns Acknowledgment: Rebekah B. and Saivee C.
4. Public Comment
5. Agenda Changes
6. Minutes
A. July 13, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes
7. Quarterly Reports
A. Second Quarter Reports (2023)
8. Consent Agenda
A. FY-23 Budget Amendment- Tree Removal
9. Old Agenda Items
A. 06-23-06 – Flat Creek Boardwalk Repair and Tree Removal (Jonathan Miller)
B. 07-23-05 Resolution to Adopt FY 2024 Operating Budget & CIP (Robert Curnow)
10. New Agenda Items
A. 08-23-01 Step Two Annexation Application Acceptance for 52 acres on Stagecoach Road and Spear Road (Robin Cailloux)
B. 08-23-02 Library Elevator Maintenance (David Borkowski)
11. Public Hearings
12. Council/Staff Topics
A. Purple Heart Day Ceremony & Appreciation Breakfast- August 7, 2023
13. Executive Session
14. Adjourn
This agenda is subject to change at any time up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.