Peachtree City Council meets tonight on short-term rental rules, tax incentives for new business, naming city facilities


First-ever proposed rules about short-term rentals in Peachtree City get another discussion tonight as the City Council meets at City Hall at 6:30 p.m.

The council has held public hearings over the course of several months this year to determine how to regulate the use of residential property as rental units for up to a month.

Discussions have ranged from Mayor Kim Learnard’s suggestion for light governmental control of Air-BNB-type tourist rentals to Councilman Phil Prebor’s preference of outlawing all short-term rentals.

The workshop tonight moves the council a step closer to finding a compromise on the issue.

Also up for discussion is city encouragement of economic development in the form of tax abatement incentives, to be administered by the independent — and unelected — Fayette County Development Authority. Such incentives may take the form of reducing property tax rates for new businesses for several years.

The council will also talk about guidelines for official naming of city-owned facilities.

The meeting is billed as a workshop, so formal adoption of any decisions likely will await a future regular council meeting.