Eucharistic Ministers receive license


Two men were recently licensed as Eucharistic Ministers in the Diocese of the Mid-South and assigned to service at Sharpsburg’s Cathedral of Christ the King. The term “Eucharistic Minister”, also known as a “Lay Eucharistic Minister,” denotes a lay person who assists the priest in administering the elements of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also, when directed to do so, take the sacrament to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend the church service.

Although the practice varies from diocese to diocese, in general Eucharistic Ministers are recommended by the parish priest to the bishop of the diocese who grants them a license to practice the ministry. Required is the reading of a book on the subject and
hands on training at serving at the church and serving the homebound or sick in their homes or the medical facility. Jonathan Clay and David Pike were instructed by Mike Wilton, an ordained deacon. The two men received their license during a public service at Christ the King. In addition to receiving their license, the new Eucharist Ministers also received a hand-man wooden Communion kit.