Principal Briggs-Johnson accepted for Leadership Academy


Fayette County High lives by the motto “Excellence in all we do,” and that belief is modeled from the top down. FCHS Principal Yolanda Briggs-Johnson has been accepted to join the prestigious Governor’s School Leadership Academy (GSLA) Principal Support Program.

The program is designed to support sitting principals in managing the change process to achieve transformational school-level improvement. Principal participants join in a rich cohort-based experience that supports their development during the 2023-2024 academic year and beyond.

During the year, participating principals engage in assignments to practice the school improvement process through job-embedded activities aligned to the expectations of Georgia Department of Education’s School Improvement Division. These activities allow participants to practice data-driven decision making, develop cultural competence as leaders, and sharpen instructional leadership skills.

As a member of a cohort with other sitting principals who are also working to transform their schools, participants will further develop their leadership strengths while expanding their network of support. Ultimately, the goal of the GSLA Principal Support Program is to increase the impact of school leaders on behalf of the students and communities they serve.