Wildcats shine at DECA International

Whitewater High’s Owen Quick and Zac Golubeff ranked among the overall finalists at the DECA International Career Development Conference.

Whitewater High Wildcats were among more than 22,000 students from all over the world who converged on Orlando for the 2023 DECA International Career Development Conference.

Each event had hundreds of competitors, and, after the preliminary round of competition, silver-ribbon medallions were awarded to the top performers in the presentation and on the exam. Blue-ribbon medallions were awarded to the overall competitive event finalists who compete in the final round of competition.

Whitewater had 20 students qualify for ICDC and had 2 overall finalists.

Owen Quick competed in Professional Selling and was a blue-ribbon winner, finishing in the top 20 overall in his event. He also won a silver ribbon medallion for having one of the top 15 exam scores in his event.

Zac Golubeff competed in Personal Financial Literacy and was a blue-ribbon winner finishing in the top 20 overall in that event. He also won a silver ribbon medallion and had one of the top 15 role play scores in his event.

Karen Stoll is Whitewater’s DECA advisor.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards, and directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.