Voter urges support for Clint Holland


I have spoken at the city council meetings and my voice is lost in the wilderness. On the infamous Partners Pizza issue the decision to court big business, give away our way of life to become a suburb of Fulton County/Atlanta was a done deal by the city council long before the meeting started. It was decided behind closed doors.

So many citizens wanted to speak [but] we were given less than one minute to voice our opposition. The place was packed. Our city council does not listen to us the citizens of Peachtree City.

We do not want or need more apartments like those that are planned for the old KMart shopping area off Braelin. Can you see 250 more apartments/condos to add to the congestion?

I have found a conservative candidate who listens to the citizens, has a very workable plan for no more urbanization, no mixed use, no rezoning of our beautiful city. Clint Holland is well versed in financial responsibility, and is a staunch supporter of our police and emergency responders. Clint listens! Please vote for Clint for Post 3 city councilman in the runoff! Early voting is Nov. 28 to Dec. 2 and Dec. 6, 2022 Voting Day.

After speaking with Clint many times he embodies my conservative principles and will make a huge contribution to Peachtree City government. I wholeheartedly endorse Clint and ask for your support.

C. L. Frow

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Ms Frow, can you really claim big business on a local property owner revitalizing a business that has benefitted this community for nearly a half century as “Big Business?”. Then claim it was done behind closed doors, Really? Citizens spoke both for and against as I recall, were you present?
    Please tell me what plan exists for those 250 apartments at the old KMart building since not only has the current Mayor and no less than two sitting Council members have told their representative not just “No, but Hell No”. I’ll wait for your response.
    In the meantime I strongly suggest you stop listening to failed politicians, or pundits without fact.