Cardinal alum gives back to courtyard


Crabapple Lane Elementary helped mold Mitchell Watt, and, to show thanks, he is giving back to his old school. Watt, now an 11th grader at Northgate High, recently returned to the nest for a big beautification project.

The school’s PTO has been working towards making the courtyard into an outdoor classroom, and Watt stepped up to help. For his Eagle Scout project, he built a rolling teaching table so teachers have a place to display materials when they conduct lessons outdoors. He also teamed up with his Boy Scout Troop 175 friends to put out mulch and pull weeds to make the courtyard look lively again.

Teachers like Andrea Watt are thankful for the former Cardinal’s hard work.

“Crabapple Lane is grateful and excited about this new addition to the courtyard and cannot wait for outdoor lessons to begin!”

Mitchell Watt, now an 11th grader at Northgate High, returned to Crabapple Lane Elementary for a big beautification project in the courtyard.