Starr’s Mill’s Soto named State Thespian Officer


Starr’s Mill’s theatre program is regarded as one of the best in Georgia, and one of the Panthers will be playing a key role in promoting the arts at the state level. Aleena Soto, a junior at SMHS, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Georgia Thespians.

A Georgia State Thespian Officer (STO) is an elected freshman, sophomore, or junior picked to serve as a student leader for the Georgia Chapter Board. Throughout the year, the STO board containing 9 exemplary student leaders across the state has a variety of responsibilities focused on advocacy for the Arts and Georgia Thespians, fundraising for Georgia Thespian Conference Grants and Broadway Cares, engagement with current thespians, and planning/executing/leading events for the Georgia Thespian Conference each year.

In order to be selected, Soto presented a speech and was voted on by thespians in the Georgia Chapter. Soto will also represent the state of Georgia in the international society.

— This article provided by the Fayette County School System.