Huddleston helps out with food drive

A food drive at Huddleston Elementary collected 1,639 pounds of goods to donate to the Real Life Center.

Huddleston Elementary loves their community, and the Hounds just teamed up to lift up those in need. A recent food drive at the school will go a long way towards making the holidays a bit brighter.

The outreach is an annual service project, and the Hounds surpassed the totals from previous years by collecting 1,639 pounds of goods.

“Our purpose for participating in this project was to encourage students to see how their actions can impact those in need within our community,” said 3rd grade teacher Lisa Seay. “It was an opportunity for students to learn about compassion and generosity. No matter the age, they could make an impact a little or a lot as we work together.”

The food drive donations will support local non-profit Real Life Center. For more information on how to help out, go to