Danny Dolan announces run for Tyrone Council

Danny Dolan
Danny Dolan

Hello, Tyrone friends and neighbors! You probably remember my run for Town Council last year. It was a new adventure for me, and I did it for a few reasons.

First, after a decade of talking about politics and government, I wanted to learn a little more first hand, about what it’s like to be in a campaign, and the ins and outs of town government. Not just for myself, but to help others.

Next, I wanted to learn more about this town. I’ve lived in Fayette county since sixth grade, but there are roads I walked down for the first time ever last year. We have a beautiful town.

Finally, along those lines, I wanted to meet people, to share ideas and knowledge. I had some incredible conversations just going door to door, and introducing myself. Thank you to everyone who took some time to talk with me. I know that I grew as a person through the experience.

So, I didn’t win. But I got a lot out of that campaign as a person. And now we’re coming up on another campaign season. After careful consideration, I’ve decided that I’m going to do it again. There are more doors I haven’t knocked on yet, more conversations we can have. I have some new ideas I want to share. I still want to talk about how awesome this town is, and how we have the best neighbors anyone could ever ask for.

And I’ve got some new walking shoes, too.

So if you’d like to help me out, if you’d like to put up one of my yard signs or help me meet your neighborhood, please reach out to me, through Facebook or through VoteDannyDolan.com. I look forward to meeting more of you. See you out there on the campaign trail!

Danny Dolan


Tyrone, Ga.


  1. This is an odd candidate announcement letter. To summarize: I was not electable last time, but I want to be this time. I have no real agenda or platform issues, but doggone-it, I’ve lived here since I was 12. Vote for Danny!