McIntosh High cheerleaders not only support the Chief athletic teams, they also support their community. When they’re not practicing, cheering at games, or winning state competition titles, MHS Cheer gets busy giving back.
Throughout the spring and summer, on breaks from tightening up their routines, the squad was focused on a number of volunteer opportunities. During the school year, individuals chipped in at MidWest Food Bank and with clean-up and support in the wake of the Coweta County tornado. Over the summer, the team returned to MidWest Food Bank and also collected supplies and worked a carnival for Bloom our Youth, a local nonprofit that supports foster children and foster families.
“These opportunities continue to be an excellent way for our cheerleaders to learn valuable life skills through interacting with others while gaining volunteer service hours required for various clubs and scholarships,” said MHS Cheer Volunteer Service Committee member Jill Ziegler. “Either as an individual or with the group, the most important aspect was for each cheerleader to try to get involved and serve the needs of our community.”