Kedron class taste tests the parts of a plant


Nicole Thomas’s kindergarten class at Kedron Elementary learned what makes up a plant, and their tastebuds even learned what parts they like to eat the most.

The lesson’s focus was on the different parts of a plant and could they eat any of the parts (leaves, roots, stems, seeds, and flower).

“Of course, they said no!” said Thomas.

Each student got a plate and discussed with their group what parts of the plant they thought they had, and a class discussion followed. Students also got to taste test a different part from different plants like sunflower seeds for the seeds, spinach for the leaves, celery for the stem, carrots for the roots, and cauliflower for the flower.

“Surprisingly, most of them loved it. Even the spinach!”

A kindergarten class at Kedron Elem. learned what makes up a plant and got to taste test different parts of different plants.