Dozen ‘spirits’ animate Fayetteville Cemetery yearly production

The "spirit" of lifelong Fayette County resident Addie Cofield, played by her real-life relative Meranda Bradley on Oct. 16, was one of dozen delighting visitors for the 13th Annual Historic Cemetery Spirit Walk held over the weekend at the Fayetteville Cemetery. Photo/Ben Nelms.

One of the more unusual events in Fayette County each year is the annual Historic Cemetery Spirit Walk held at the Fayetteville Cemetery on Stonewall Avenue. The popular event, where guided tour groups visit with the spirits of past Fayette residents and hear about their lives, was back Oct. 16 and 17 for the 13th year.

One of the “spirits” sharing portions of her life with the tour groups was Addie Cofield, who was born in Fayette County in 1911. A lifelong resident of Fayette, Cofield passed on in 1998.

Yet Cofield clearly came to life in the words and animation of Meranda Bradley, who is also a cousin of the departed Cofield.

In all, there were a dozen “spirits” present in the cemetery for the event, each with their own story in their own words, and memorably played by area residents, some of whom are relatives.

There is a lot that goes into the production – the historical research, acquiring the period dress for the actors and guides, and all the preparation behind the scenes that is needed to provide a memorable event each year.

The annual production is an all-volunteer project of the Holliday Dorsey Fife Museum.