Fayette County Public Library invites teens to ‘Imagine Your Story’ this summer


You’ll have reading challenges, fun activities, and creative writing — 

Fayette County Public Library will be offering a variety of challenges and activities for teens this summer. This summer’s theme is “Imagine Your Story,” which we will do through reading, art, and creative writing at the library in Fayetteville.

First, teens can sign up for our reading challenge beginning June 1, on Beanstack at https://fayettelibrary.beanstack.org. They can also download the free Beanstack app on iTunes or Google Play. There, they can earn digital badges for time spent reading and for participating in exciting creative activities. To complete the challenge, they’ll need to earn at least 11 of these badges.

These activities will include some kits that can be picked up at the library. There will be Artist Trading Cards, which are sets of blank cards to be decorated by teens, and then treasured or traded with friends and family. Another creative option will be blank books that can be filled any way teens can imagine – journaling, sketching, or writing the next great novel. Or graphic novel, because there will also be blank comic pages included in the kits!

And speaking of that next great novel, the Fayette County Public Library will participate in Camp NaNoWriMo for the first time this summer! This worldwide event will bring together thousands of writers of novels, poems, songs, comics, and scripts, so that we can imagine our stories together. Ask for information at the library or email Heather Martz at [email protected] to get started. We’ll start making our plans and exploring the online platforms on June 1, and imagine new worlds with our stories beginning July 1! Weather and circumstances permitting, we will have an outdoor writing event on the library lawn in late July.

Watch the library’s website and social media for updates and videos featuring our librarians and local guests for artistic, crafty, and fun demonstrations to help inspire your creativity! The Fayette County Public Library is located behind the Fayette County administrative complex in downtown Fayetteville, at the southwest corner of Highways 85 and 54. For additional information, please contact the library at 770-461-8841, or visit the library website at www.fayettecountyga.gov/public_library. — Heather Martz, MLIS, Public Services Librarian, Fayette County Public Library