Dogwood Trail reopening may be late spring-early summer

The work along Dogwood Trail continues to have through-traffic detoured. Work is expected to be completed and the road opened by early summer. Photo/Fayette County.
The work along Dogwood Trail continues to have through-traffic detoured. Work is expected to be completed and the road opened by early summer. Photo/Fayette County.

A Jan. 9 update by Fayette County Administrator Steve Rapson on the stormwater work along Dogwood Trail in north Fayette came with the expectation that the road will be open for through-traffic by early summer.

Rapson told Fayette County commissioners that Dogwood Trail continues to be closed to all through-traffic between Farr Road and Tyrone Road for the demolition of the two existing and failing 120-inch corrugated metal pipes and the construction of a 48-ft. by 14-ft. concrete bottomless arch culvert, which will be the largest culvert in the unincorporated county.

“Utility relocation continues to be the key task in moving forward with this project,” Rapson said. “Safety concerns with the gas company’s original design for the 6-inch steel gas main relocation were discovered in September 2019, causing a delay in the construction progress. The new design for a temporary modular bridge system for the 6-inch gas main is nearing completion, however the gas company has been unable to provide a timeline for relocation completion until all the equipment and supplies required for the modular bridge are secured and delivered to the site.”

Rapson noted that Fayette County has little control over utility companies, but the contractor has been working diligently to get as much work accomplished as possible during the relocation delay.

An estimated completion date of late spring or early summer is being provided until utility relocation is complete and a more accurate date can be announced.