Bet on a Cure fundraiser gala

Michelle and Richard Denney. Photo/Submitted.

A unique kind of fundraiser is set for Oct. 26 in Peachtree City. The brainchild of Richard Denney, “Bet on a Cure” will be a Vegas-style gala at Crowne Plaza Atlanta benefiting the local Conquering Leukemia Chapter of the Leukemia Research Foundation, which issues grants to emerging blood cancer researchers. Early bird tickets are available until October 1.

Diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia on Valentine’s Day in 2018, 48-year-old general contractor and Fayette County resident Richard Denney was not one to sit back and do nothing after receiving the diagnosis. Describing Denney as being upbeat and optimistic would be an understatement.

“I’ve always been the one that wants to fix things in my industry,” Denney said. “So I’m using the same mindset in wanting to find a cure for leukemia.”

Once getting the diagnosis, Denney said it was then that he began researching the disease. And it was during the research that “I found a lot of cases of leukemia involving children,” Denney said.

His continued research, including the desire to find organizations that used fundraising dollars to go to research, led Denney to the Chicago-based Leukemia Research Foundation.

Prior to approaching the Leukemia Research Foundation about opening a Georgia chapter, Denney said he checked-out the organization and its finances.

“They aren’t a big charity,” Denney explained. “But I found that 98 percent of the money raised goes directly to research for a cure for all blood-related cancers or to those in need of treatment.”

“They fund several grants each year,” Denney continued. “It’s important that that happens because it’s research that gets to the root of it.”

Denney said the Leukemia Research Foundation subsequently approved the local Conquering Leukemia chapter.

Basically, now in his back yard, the aim of the Conquering Leukemia Chapter “is to bring continuity to this part of the country and to raise money for the fight against all blood cancers,” Denney said.

“My duty right now is to do what I can to fight this. This chapter in Fayetteville helps get that done,” Denney explained. “So many people are affected. We need to do something to find a cure and to help people along the way. So, we’re trying to do what we can to help.”

One of the forms of that help will come on October 26 at the Bet on a Cure gala at Crowne Plaza Atlanta on Aberdeen Parkway in Peachtree City. The Vegas-style gala will run from 6 to 11 p.m.

Tickets are $150 per person. Early bird tickets for two people are available for $250 until October 1. Tickets include dinner and drinks, a live and a silent auction, entertainment and dancing and $250 in chips for casino games.

A large variety of sponsorship levels are also available. For more information on the gala or to reserve sponsorships email

Denney said he hopes the Conquering Leukemia chapter can help bring grants to local scientific research facilities.

Established in 1946, the Leukemia Research Foundation is dedicated to conquering all blood cancers by funding research into their causes and cures and enriching the quality of life of those touched by these diseases, according to the Leukemia Research Foundation.

The foundation noted that the fundamental goal each year is to fund an ambitious collection of new investigator research grants that offer an innovative and noteworthy exploration into the causes and cures for all blood cancers.

“Based on our fundraising success, a notable volume of individual grants, up to $100,000 each, are awarded for a one-year term to promising new investigators. Our grants help these scientists strengthen their projects and advance them to new levels of discovery,” the foundation said.

For more information on the Leukemia Research Foundation visit