The Senoia Optimist Club will be hosting its annual barbecue on Saturday, October 19, 2019. The majority of the proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to support research for childhood cancer through the Aflac Cancer Center (administrative expenses are funded via other means).
The barbecue will be held at the Masonic Lodge in downtown Senoia. The lodge is located at 19 Main Street – between Hollberg’s Furniture and Senoia Coffee & Café. Serving is scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. or until the club sells out – whichever comes first.
Prices are as follows:
- Gallon of Stew – $30.00
- Quart of Stew – $10.00
- Pound of BBQ pork – $10.00
- Plate with beverage – $10.00
Pre-sale orders can be made with any member of the Senoia Optimist Club, especially for those customers who will be unable to make it to the barbecue.
For more information (including pre-orders, deliveries, drive-by pickups, etc.), call 770-312-9300, or email senoiaoptimistclub@gmail.com.
Those interested in learning more about the Aflac Cancer Center and its cancer initiatives are encouraged to visit www.aflaccancercenter.org.
The Brunswick stew for this fundraiser will be prepared by Bill Underwood, Carl McKnight, & Jim McKnight, using the popular McKnight family recipe prepared so frequently in the past by the late Paul McKnight, Jr. Optimists and other volunteers will assist in the cooking.
The BBQ pork and sauce will be prepared by Tim Manley who has cooked for a number of similar fundraisers and events.
Guests are welcomed at the Senoia Optimist Club’s meetings. Beginning in October, meetings are scheduled at 6:00 p.m. on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Senoia Masonic Lodge. Details are often posted on the club’s Facebook page (“Senoia Optimist Club”).
If you are not yet associated with this organization but are interested in learning more or attending an event, please email the club at senoiaoptimistclub@gmail.com or contact any member of the Senoia club.
Visit the club’s website at optimistclubofsenoia.com.
About Optimist International
Optimist International is a worldwide volunteer organization made up of approximately 2,500 local Clubs. The mission statement of the organization is “By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.”
Optimists conduct 65,000 community service projects each year, spending $78 million in their communities. Annually, six million kids are positively affected by Optimist programs.
To learn more about Optimist International, call (800) 500-8130 or visit the organization’s website at www.optimist.org.