ABWA installs officers, awards scholarships

ABWA new officers are, from left, Jean Billa, treasurer, Patti Kadkhodaian, vice-president, Wanda Cronic Howell, president, and (not pictured) Patricia Forte, secretary. Photo/Submitted.
ABWA new officers are, from left, Jean Billa, treasurer, Patti Kadkhodaian, vice-president, Wanda Cronic Howell, president, and (not pictured) Patricia Forte, secretary. Photo/Submitted.

Members of the McIntosh Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA)  awarded two scholarships to deserving young women in this area, installed new officers, and celebrated the 39th anniversary of the local organization at the July 9 meeting. The McIntosh Chapter of the ABWA has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships since its charter.

ABWA officers for the 2019-2020 year, which begins in August, are Wanda Cronic Howell, presient, Patti Kadkhodaian, vice-president, Jean Billa, treasurer, and (not pictured) Patricia Forte, secretary.

Scholarship winners were Hannah Winslet, sponsored by ABWA member Judy Suitor, and Katelyn Davis, sponsored by ABWA member Sharlene Alexander.

Winslet is an education major at Mercer University. She plans to teach elementary school, hopefully first grade, after completing her Master’s degree.

Davis is a nursing student at Clayton State University, where she is in the Honors Program. She dreams of becoming a pediatric nurse at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

<b>Pictured, from left, are Judy Suiter, charter member of the McIntosh Chapter of the ABWA, Hannah Winslet, Katelyn Davis, and Sharlene Alexander, also a charter member of the McIntosh Chapter. Pam Reid, front, ABWA’s scholarship chair. Photo/Submitted.</b>
Pictured, from left, are Judy Suiter, charter member of the McIntosh Chapter of the ABWA, Hannah Winslet, Katelyn Davis, and Sharlene Alexander, also a charter member of the McIntosh Chapter. Pam Reid, front, ABWA’s scholarship chair. Photo/Submitted.