Fayetteville should be cautious about rezoning for apartment complex


Once again as in 2016 a request has been made to build an apartment complex across from Piedmont Fayette Hospital in an area not zoned for apartments.

It was a bad idea when it was disapproved two years ago. Considering all that has occurred in the hospital area and at nearby Pinewood Studios since then, it’s an even worse idea today and should again be disapproved.

Opinions as to whether or not to build more apartments usually fall into one of three categories: Yes, absolutely not, or it doesn’t matter.

It should matter. Granted, only in the immediate vicinity of the apartments will there be a significant impact on traffic, schools, utilities, city/county services and quality of life in existing neighborhoods. However, each apartment parking space represents a potential voter.

These are, for the most part, hardworking people just trying to get ahead who, unfortunately, are not vested in the community. In many cases their ties to an area only extend to the end of their lease. Build enough apartments and there will be a shift in the electorate from permanent to transitory residents. This can change the direction in which our community develops.

Apartments are necessary. If existing units are nearing capacity by all means build more. Do so, however, within the constraints of current zoning so as to minimize any adverse impact on existing neighborhoods. Accordingly, this latest proposal to build apartments across from the hospital should definitely be disapproved.

In the late seventies the lifestyle in Riverdale was similar to that which we enjoy today here in Fayetteville. Construction of multiple apartments changed Riverdale to the point that by the late nineties bumper stickers had appeared saying “Pray for Riverdale.” I’m not sure that worked.

Each of us needs to stay focused on what direction we want our community to take or be prepared to start seeing bumper stickers that say “Pray for Fayetteville.”

Ken Beebe
Fayetteville, Ga.