Pinewood Studios wants to annex for 2nd media park

Architect Bill Foley presents request for Pinewood annexation to the Fayetteville City Council. Photo/Ben Nelms.
Architect Bill Foley presents request for Pinewood annexation to the Fayetteville City Council. Photo/Ben Nelms.

Fayetteville asked to annex 24.5 acres on Sandy Creek Rd.

Pinewood Atlanta Studios was on the Nov. 28 agenda of the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting a 24.5-acre annexation along Sandy Creek Road. The property is across the road from the studio property.

Above, architect Bill Foley presents request for Pinewood annexation to the Fayetteville City Council. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The initial request from architect Bill Foley at the non-voting work session asked that the 24.5-acre tract located at 563 Sandy Creek Road be annexed with a PCD (planned community development) zoning. Pinewood Atlanta subsequent to the meeting announced that the annexation request will include single-family residential zoning rather than a PCD designation.

The site is adjacent to Pinewood Atlanta property that includes the Pinewood Production Centre.

Studio representatives will return in December for the formal presentation.

Potential future plans for the property include establishing a second media park. The current media park, positioned across Sandy Creek Road, contains a number of warehouse and vendor buildings, and housing companies that serve the movie industry. Soundstages are situated south of the media park area.