Let’s have a parade!


It’s time to get set for the July 4 parade and fireworks in Peachtree City. The parade begins at 9 a.m. on South Peachtree Parkway, running from Village on the Green to McIntosh Trail and ending at Shakerag Knoll. The 4th Fest runs from 5-9 p.m. at City Hall Plaza. Peachtree City ordinance prohibits any “space saving” for the parade or fireworks before dawn (6:05 a.m.) on July 4. At dawn, blankets and tarps only are allowed – no stakes, tents, barricades, or other items can be used to save a spot. No blankets or tarps will be allowed at City Hall Plaza in advance of 4th Fest. Blankets placed early will be removed. Photo of 2016 parade/Joyce Beverly.